Thursday Times – July 6, 2017 

“LibGuides” Gets a Real Name
Do you call all soft drinks “Cokes?”  and all tissues “Kleenex?”  and all photocopies “Xeroxes?” We thought not.

We’re finally getting around to giving our LibGuides something more descriptive than the brand name. Beginning in July, we’ll be updating our site to use the more helpful name, “Research Guides.”

“Research Guides” was the student choice in testing conducted by Michelle Gibeault this past spring.  Also, we are 99% more likely to agree on the pronunciation of this term!

Look for the changes coming to a website near you this summer.

Free IFLA Webinar
“Design Thinking: The Role of Library Staff in Participatory Design” will be available for viewing at 1 p.m. today.

Shout Out (n.) Informal. A message of congratulation, support, or appreciation.
Judy Robinson gives a shout out and many, many thanks to wonderful Kim Anderson.  She graciously volunteered her time, effort, and muscles to help with the process of packing a bunch of books into a bunch of boxes.  Her help was greatly appreciated.

Calendar of Libraries’ Events – mark your personal calendars! 



Out-of-Office Notices


Will be Out

Need Anything, Please Contact (479-575-XXXX)

Mary Leverance


Diane Baker 5-5512

Joel Thornton


Necia Parker-Gibson 5-8421

Olivia Wood


Lynaire Hartsell 5-4103 or Kathleen Lehman 5-7048