For the winter holidays, the Multimedia Department in Mullins Library has compiled a list of streaming videos and music available to all students, staff and faculty. Physical items are also available on display in the Multimedia Department, which has moved from the Hodges Reading Room to MULN 463.


The Bonn Ballet dances in The Nutcracker. A Christmas Story by Tchaikovsky.

Spirit of Umoja focuses on the meaning and celebration of Kwanzaa, the African celebration of first fruits.

If you’ve ever said, “Christmas has gotten too commercial!” well, you’re not the first. How did a religious observance turn into a national spending spree? That’s what The History Of Christmas Shopping! is all about.

A Say Brother Kwanzaa is a lecture/presentation about the meaning of Kwanzaa.

Matzo & Mistletoe is the story of filmmaker Kate Feiffer, who was six years old when her father told her she was Jewish. Because she celebrated Christmas and never attended synagogue, this information came as a surprise.

Learn About the History of the Christian Holiday of Christmas in this video, which explains why Christmas is on Dec. 25.

Celebrate the Jewish “Festival of Lights” with a light, French-inspired Chanukah dinner menu in Jacques Pepin’s Chanukah celebration.

The Man Who Invented Christmas is the story of the magical journey that led to the creation of Ebenezer Scrooge (Christopher Plummer), Tiny Tim and other classic characters from A Christmas Carol.


Of all the religious celebrations which take place in Spain and Latin American countries, Las Posadas is perhaps the most meaningful and certainly among the most colorful. Listen to the sound of Las Posadas with Cantos de Las Posadas and Other Christmas Songs.

Chanukah At Home is a joyful celebration in song featuring some of the West Coast’s top children’s performers. The combination of traditional Jewish and Yiddish material with many new songs yields an album that is fun and instructional for kids of all ages.

The Kwanzaa Album boasts incredible percussion and great harmonies by a phenomenal group.