Altmetrics Offer New Options for Measuring Impact: PlumX Metrics in CINAHL
Beth Juhl’s latest Database News blog post covers one of the hot, new altmetrics tools: the PlumX Plum Print widget in the CINAHL nursing database. PlumX Analytics provide ways to measure scholarly impact by looking at social media shares and mentions and saves to citation managers such as Mendeley. While the University of Arkansas does not subscribe to PlumX Analytics as a research tool, you can use the Plum Print widget in CINAHL to get an idea of the kinds of metrics being tracked. Learn how it works at the blog. Thanks, Beth!
March’s Book Display Celebrates Women’s History Month
The University Libraries’ faculty celebrates Women’s History Month by showcasing resources for and about women. This year, Beth Juhl emphasized topics from databases in her blog post “Discovering Women’s Studies,” Joshua Youngblood highlighted Special Collections resources on Facebook, and Sarah Spiegel chose a selection of books that provide the history of women who helped make history. Pick one of these titles up in Mullins Library, or peruse the selections online. Thanks to Beth, Sarah, and Joshua!
National Library Workers’ Day Awards—Last Call for Nominations!
Micah Hampton reports that we’ve had a great turnout of NLWD nominations so far, but today is the LAST DAY to recommend any of your worthy colleagues. So if you still want to make a nomination, you had better get moving! Go to StaffWeb for criteria/eligibility info and the nomination form. Again, if you have questions, talk to anyone from the awards committee: Micah Hampton, Vera Ekechukwu, Bridget Penrose, Jozef Laincz, and Tim Zou. Thank you, Micah!
Special Collections Featured in the Arkansas Catalyst
Angela Fritz’s NHPRC grant award of $73,989 to process the James D. Bale papers (announced last week in the Tuesday Times), was featured in March’s Arkansas Catalyst. The news also made the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette’s “UA Notebook” column and appeared in the Stuttgart Daily Leader. The grant will support one full-time employee, and the search is currently underway for the James D. Bales Papers Project Archivist.
In Copier News…
Lynaire Hartsell reports that the copier on the 4th floor of Mullins has been removed. Until Hartsell made the report, I had no idea there even was a copier on the 4th floor of Mullins, but you learn something new about the largest research library in the state every day. Please direct users to the photocopier/scanner in the Copy Room (MULN 221) which accepts Razorbucks, coins, and cash. In case, like me, you have no idea where MULN 221 is, it’s the main copier room across from the periodicals desk. Do we need a tour? Speaking of, my most recent tour guide overhear, “Mullins is the second largest library in the country.” Thank you tour guide for the nod, and thank you for the news, Lynaire!
Are You All In For Arkansas?
March 29th marks the University of Arkansas’ 145th birthday, and “All in for Arkansas” is a fast-paced online fundraiser set to run for just 1,871 minutes – in honor of the University’s founding year. This virtual party, sponsored by University Development, will unite Arkansas alumni and friends across the country with faculty and staff on campus. If you’re on Facebook, check out the event invitation to get involved and stay up to date. #allin4arkansas
Reminders and Such:
- Last Call to Nominate Co-Workers for NLWD AWARDS: Don’t miss out on this opportunity to show your recognition! Nominations will not be accepted after midnight tonight. Find criteria for awards and the nomination form on StaffWeb.
- Last Month’s Keywords, Some Surprising, on the Popular Catalog Searches List: Did you know that Sierra provides a rolling 30 day log of patron searches? These searches provide insights into the kinds of information students are seeking. Click through to last week’s blog for the list.
- We have campus-wide access to NBC Learn Higher Ed, a collection of more than 12,000 video segments from NBC News division that is updated daily, provided by Global Campus.
- Registration Now Available for 2016 ALPS Conference: Lynaire Hartsell reports that registration is now open for the 2016 Arkansas Library Paraprofessionals Spring Conference, to be held May 18-20 in Hot Springs. The registration deadline is April 30.
- Building the Museum –Stone’s Museo de Arte de Ponce: Catherine Wallack, Architectural Records Archivist, reports that the Museo de Arte de Ponce will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary inside a Durell Stone design with an exhibition that shows his design process. The exhibit, a selection of architectural drawings that have never before been seen together, including many facsimiles from the Edward Durell Stone Papers in the Arkansas Architectural Archives, opens to the public on March 13.
- Geology Rocks: Access to High-Quality Rocks and Minerals at Mullins Library: Jozef Laincz and Rachel Linck report the launch of the Libraries’ rock and mineral collection, four sets each of rocks and minerals (refresher: a mineral is the pure stuff with a definite chemical formula; a rock is an aggregate of minerals), that can be checked from Course Reserves.
- Please remember to COPY the person or people who are serving as your back-ups in your out-of-office emails to me. It serves as not only an excellent last minute confirmation for you, but also a handy way for me to procure the contact info that I add to each entry. Thank you!
Out of Office Notices
Name | Will be Out | Need Anything, Please Contact (479-575-XXXX) |
Sherryl Faulkner-Robinson | 3/14-3/18 | Lynaire Hartsell, 5-4103 |
Kathleen Lehman | 3/15-3/19 | Lynaire Hartsell, 5-4103 / Lora Lennertz, 5-5545 |
Debra Cheval | 3/16-3/21 | Brian Curtis, 5-3808 / Renee Rogers, 5-3538 |
Gale Golden | 3/24-3/29 | Aiden Guzman, 5-4708 (3/24) / Phil Jones, 5-3081 (3/28-3/29) |
Robin Roggio | 3/15-3/17 | Denise Rohr, 5-5311 and Christina Wampler, 5-6424 |
Calendar of Libraries’ Events – Mark Your Personal Calendars!
Date | Event |
TODAY! | NLWD Awards Nominations DUE! |
4/1 | 2016 Small Works on Paper on View in Mullins (through April) |
5/19 | Staff Appreciation Picnic, 11:30-1:00pm at Donald W. Reynolds Stadium |
10/9-10/15 | Save the Date: Homecoming 2016 |
Webinar Schedule
Date | Event |
3/16 | The GAO: What We Do, Why, and How to Find It, 1-2pm, MULN 472B |
3/16 | Preserving Digital Collections: An Overview, 1-2pm, MULN 486 |
3/22 | The Nat’l Ag Library: Ag Info for the 21st Century, 1-2pm, MULN 102 |
3/24 | Guide to Trade Data 2 –Resources of US Int’l Trade Commission, 1-2pm, MULN 102 |