The Tuesday Times—September 20, 2016

Integrity Awareness Week, September 25-30

Next week is Integrity Awareness Week, and many events are taking place across campus. Librarians are contributing their expertise in some open sessions during the week, which includes: Patricia Kirkwood on “Ethical Use of Information: Pikachu and Zubats” on September 26 at 2 p.m. in MULN 472B, and repeated on September 27 at 4 p.m. in MULN 472B, and September 29 at 10 a.m. in the Upchurch Conference Room in Bell Engineering; Melody Herr on “Integrity: Publishing Your Own Work and Citing Others” on September 27 at 2 p.m. in ARKU 511; and Norma Johnson on “Doing Library Research: Using Library Tools to Find and Cite Sources” on September 28 at 3:30 p.m. in ARKU 503 and on “Citation Management Tool: RefWorks” on September 29 at 12:30 p.m. in MULN 102.

LLAMA webinar: “What’s your story? — Introduction to Research design for Libraries and Information Services”

LLAMA’s Assessment Section is presenting a 3-part webinar that will describe the basic philosophical assumptions that underlie our approaches when formulating research questions, and the array of choice of methods we have at our disposal. The webinar presenters will identify strengths for the different methods: qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods and offer useful illustrative and practical examples from the LIS literature and practice so we can make informed choices of design, methods and tools in our own research. The three parts will all be presented in Mullins 486 (Weare Conference Room): Sept. 26, 12:30-2:00 pm — “What’s your story? – An Introduction to Research Design for Libraries and Information Services” presented by Martha Kyrillidou, Principal, QualityMetrics LLC, Silver Spring, Maryland; Oct. 26, 12:30-2:00 pm — “What’s Your Story? — Getting Organized for Assessment and Data Collection” presented by Holt Zaugg, Assessment Librarian, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah; and Nov. 16, 12:30-2:00 pm — “What’s Your Story? — Visualizing Data to Tell Your Story” presented by Sarah Anne Murphy, Professor and Coordinator of Assessment, The Ohio State University Libraries, Thompson Library , Columbus, Ohio.

Database News

Beth Juhl’s latest Database News blog posts at 365 McIlroy promotes Mango Languages for the ever-popular Talk Like a Pirate Day (yesterday, if you somehow avoided looking at the Libraries’ website all day) and RazorRush, the service provided by our superior Interlibrary Loan Department. Check them out!

Librarians for Peace, September 21. 2016

Tomorrow is International Peace Day, and the Mortensen Center for International Library Programs invites librarians around the world to participate in their efforts to promote it. Visit the Libraries for Peace webpage ( to learn about what libraries are doing to promote peacehow they can initiate their own efforts, and where these actions are taking place; to discuss and share ideas of libraries and peacebuilding; and to serve as an information hub for an international library celebration and action day for peace. And if that isn’t cool enough, the Libraries for website uses a photo of our own Martha Parker speaking at the ALA diversity meeting two years ago. The theme of Martha’s discussion group was related to international librarianship and acknowledging cultural differences.

Shout Out (n.) Informal. A message of congratulation, support, or appreciation.

Lynaire Hartsell gives a shout out to Ila Irizarry, “whose diligent work solved the parking problem for Saturday staff on home football game days.” You are a hero, Ila.

Reminders and Such:

  • Please remember to COPY the person or people who are serving as your back-ups in your out-of-office emails to me. It provides not only an excellent last minute confirmation for you, but is also a handy way for me to procure the contact info that I add to each entry. Thank you!

Calendar of Libraries’ Events – Mark Your Personal Calendars!

Date Event
9/21-10/1 Banned Books Week
9/24 Deadline for ArLA Award Nominations
9/25-9/30 Integrity Awareness Week
9/27 Open Access Interest Group Meeting, 3pm, MULN 486
9/29 Promotion and Tenure reception
10/4 Discriminatory Harassment MULN 104, 2:30 to 3:30
10/7 ACRL Scholarship Deadline (UARK Libraries’ Contact is Elaine Thornton)
10/7 SAA’s “Implementing ‘More Product, Less Process’ #1752”
10/9-10/15 Homecoming 2016
10/13 Archives Month Event (details to come later)


Out of Office Notices

Name Will be Out Need Anything, Please Contact (479-575-XXXX)
Lora Lennertz 9/15-9/28 Joel Thornton, 5-3176