The August 18, 2015 edition of the Tuesday Times includes news and updates for Libraries’ faculty and staff.

ICYMI: Microform Reader Training Encore!
Lynaire Hartsell and Kathleen Lehman invite anyone interested in learning how to operate the new microform reader to join them on Wednesday, August 19th at 3:00pm in Periodicals in Mullins Library. Hartsell will cover the basics of how to operate the new machine and answer any questions you might have. If you are unavailable at this time but interested in microform training, please contact either Kathleen Lehman or Lynaire Hartsell to schedule a different time.

Being Paper-Free Saves Time and Money
Sherryl Robinson reports that the Libraries have officially moved to all electronic notices!  All notices, including courtesy, overdue, recall – and now invoices and adjustments, will be sent through UARK email accounts.  We migrated away from most printed notices some time ago, and have now also switched to electronic invoices, saving the Libraries’ time and money from printing and mail expenses.  We are excited to take this last step into the electronic phase. Thanks, Sherryl!

Grand Opening of the Digital Ozark Folksong Collection
On Friday, August 28, 2015 in the Walton Reading Room of Mullins Library, the University Libraries will celebrate the opening of the digital Ozark Folksong Collection with a daylong celebration honoring Mary Celestia Parler’s legacy, featuring lectures, a panel discussion, and live performances by local bands. For a full list of presentations and performances, please visit our event page. Please join us next Friday as your normal duties will allow, and feel free to join our Facebook event for updates and additional information.

Don’t Come to Work on a Campus-Wide Holiday
Add the University’s 2015-2016 holidays to your Outlook/Exchange calendars to help you remember when campus-wide holidays are being observed.  You can view instructions for the download at ITS’s website. Bonus: University holidays are listed beginning with “UA-” as all-day banner events.


  • For Your Reference: A rotating reference book feature now lives on the New Books display!
  • *Your Fave Titles Still Needed for Banned Books Week Book Display: Send me a link to your favorite banned book in our catalog and let me know why it’s important to you.
  • Construction Coming Along at MULN Level 3 Southwest: but you may still need to direct patrons to restrooms located in Level 3 East, or on other floors, and direct carrel users to move between the stacks to access their spaces. Photos of the area are posted at the old blog.
  • Join the Mullins Library Bulletin Board on Facebook: Have you seriously not joined this yet?

Out of Office Notices

Name Will be Out Need Anything, Please Contact (479-575-XXXX)
Angela Fritz 8/17-8/21 Valerie Robertson (5-5577)

Calendar of Libraries’ Events – Mark Your Personal Calendars!

Date Event
8/21/15 ArLA Award nominations are due
8/24-8/25 Help-a-Hog table stationed at Mullins Library
8/28/15 Opening of the Ozark Folksong Collection, 9am-4:45pm, Mullins Library
9/10/15 Opening Event for Latino Americans: 500 Years of History, 5:30pm, FPL
9/24/15 Annual Promotion and Tenure Reception, 3:30-5pm, MULN WRR
9/27-10/3 Banned Books Week

We’re mixing it up around here, no?  Is there anyone on staff or in the faculty you’d like to get to know better? Nominate them to answer Three Weird Questions!