Mullins Library Staircase

Mullins Library Staircase

For those of you graduating this weekend, best wishes from your University Libraries!  We wish you every success in your future endeavors — but stay in touch, okay?

You may not be able to come back and study every evening until 2am in “Club Mullins” any longer but we offer a number of services for alumni far and wide.

Versatile PhD logo


Alternative Careers for Graduate Students

First, we’ve added a brand-new service for graduate students and recent Ph.D.s. Versatile PhD is an online resource that assists graduate students in discovering, consulting, and networking towards their future careers outside of academia. Sign up now – before you leave campus – an you can continue to Versatile PhD from anywhere.

Alumni Borrowing Privileges

Staying in the area?  Join the Arkansas Alumni Association to continue to borrow books from the collection and use the Interlibrary Loan service. More about Alumni Borrowing…

Selected Research Databases

Unfortunately, Alumni library privileges do not include remote access to all our databases but the following online tools are provided to Alumni:


QuickSearch is a new library search engine that includes records for books, articles, conference proceedings, theses and dissertations, videos, music, images, manuscripts, standards, maps, and more. A single search in QuickSearch can return records from all of these sources. It’s your first stop for exploring our collections.

QuickSearch is open to all, including alumni. QuickSearch includes hundreds of thousands of open access journal articles that are freely available to all.  While not all full text items that you discover in QuickSearch will be available to alumni users, QuickSearch will help you identify print and electronic resources for your research project.    More about QuickSearch


ScholarWorks is the new repository for students and faculty publications, conference papers,  films, poster presentations, theses, and dissertations.  ScholarWorks is open to all and includes journals produced on the U of A campus, such as Inquiry, the Undergraduate Research Journal.

Digital Collections

The Libraries offer a growing collections of images, audio and video files, and documents scanned from our holdings.  Digital Collections cover topics as diverse as architecture and apples, civil rights and commencement speeches, the Fayetteville Square to folksongs

Ebsco Alumni Databases

The University Libraries provide access to two Ebsco databases for current members of the Arkansas Alumni Association:

  • Academic Search Alumni Edition is designed for the research needs of the post-college professional and  provides full text for more than 2,600 journals as well as indexing and abstracting for more than 13,800 journals. Iincludes more than 2,200 valuable peer-reviewed full text journals from a variety of academic disciplines.
  • Business Source Alumni Edition provides more than 1,320 full-text business magazines and journals, of which nearly 650 are peer-reviewed.  It covers nearly every area of business including marketing, management, information systems, accounting, finance, econometrics, economics and more.

To access these resources, log into the Arkansas Alumni Association portal.

Index Arkansas

Produced by the University Libraries, Index Arkansas is a database of citations to periodical articles and book chapters on Arkansas topics. The articles and other entries indexed were published in county history journals, selected statewide magazines, and selected book titles.

Visit Us

You don’t need a U of A ID card to visit us when you are back on the Hill.

  • browse or use the collections
  • get a guest login to consult our research databases
  • enjoy our exhibits
  • consult historical or archival materials in Special Collections

We’ll look forward to seeing you soon!  Follow us on Twitter or friend us on Facebook to receive notifications of upcoming events or exhibits, or just to join the conversation.  Best of luck to you, class of 2017!