Tuesday Times – January 9, 2018

Send your news to Kelsey Lovewell Lippard by 5:00 p.m. on Mondays! View each week’s Tuesday Times on the Libraries’ blog, 365 McIlroy

Welcome Back!
The first day of classes will be next Tuesday, Jan. 16. As a reminder, Alexandria was migrated to MULN-VFS1 over the break.

There are just two spots left to help out with the spring edition of Help-a-Hog. Help-a-Hog is a great program that takes place on the first two days of the semester. Volunteers staff tables across campus to answer basic questions for new and lost hogs, and Mullins Library always hosts and staffs a table here in our west lobby. If you would like to be a part of this event, Kathleen Lehman, Head of User Services, invites you to use this link to view and claim open shifts. Please let her know if you have any questions by emailing kalehman@uark.edu, and thank you!

Welcome, Jay!
Jay McAllister is the University Libraries’ new Engineering Librarian and was previously an Instruction Librarian at University of Texas at Dallas. Although born and raised in Dallas, Texas, Jay attended the University of Oklahoma where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in History and after returning to the DFW area, Jay earned his Master of Library Science from the University of North Texas.

Three Weird Questions

Name one short-term goal.

Become acclimated with my way around town and to find out where are the best places to eat at!

Describe yourself in three words.

deliberate, arranger, southpaw

What book(s) are you currently reading?

The toothpick: technology and culture, by Henry Petroski. Andrew Jackson and the miracle of New Orleans, by Brian Kilmeade.

Jay is looking forward to becoming fully immersed in the College of Engineering through collaboration, instruction, and service. “I can’t wait get started in learning about the realm of engineering and in turn promote information literacy and other library services to students, faculty, and staff.”

Jay can be reached at jtmcalli@uark.edu.

Reminder: Introduction to Citation Managers
Beth Juhl, Necia Parker-Gibson and Norma Johnson will provide an introduction to 3 citation managers – RefWorks, EndNote Basic and Zotero – and would like to invite all library employees. The next session will be held Wednesday, January 10 from 4-5 p.m. in MULN 102.

IR Update
The success of our digital institutional repository ScholarWorks@UARK depends on the many individuals who share their work, use our resources, and spread the word.  You can find our latest progress report, covering July through December 2017, in our user guide.  Thank you for your continuing support.

– The Scholarly Communications Team

CRL Primary Source Awards
Attention CRL member libraries: do you know someone or a team of people doing innovative work with primary sources? The Center for Research Library’s Primary Source Awards are presented annually in three categories: access (for promoting discovery and use of primary source materials), research (for innovative use in research projects), and teaching (for use in the classroom). This is a great way to acknowledge new trends and practices emerging across various research disciplines, as well as recognizing important library services to scholars.

Recently awarded projects include: “Umbra Search African American History,” a diverse special collection delivered by numerous institutions; “What Must Be Remembered,” a collaborative exhibition of objects and documents demonstrating the complexities of post- Civil War life for African Americans; and “Fighting the Atlantic Slave Trade,” an innovative student learning experience using primary sources related to early abolitionist movements.

Now is the time to nominate a colleague or yourself: nominations are due by January 31, 2018. Please Contact Virginia Kerr, CRL Communications and Development, with any questions. Download the 2018 Primary Source Awards poster to help promote this program locally.

Calendar of Libraries’ Events – mark your personal calendars! 

Date Event
1/10 Introduction to Citation Managers, 4-5 PM, MULN 102


Out-of-Office Notices

Name Dates Need Anything, Please Contact (479-575-XXXX)