Tuesday Times
March 19, 2019

 National Library Workers’ Day Awards 
Do you want to recognize one of your colleagues for the incredible work they do? Nominate them for a Library Employee Award!

The deadline to submit a nomination is this Friday, March 22. Winners will be announced during National Library Week, April 7-13. 

OER: The Successful Experience of a U of A Professor
Prof. Michael Thomsen, Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Tuesday, 26 March, 3 PM
Mullins 486

Mike Thomsen has been a member of the University of Arkansas faculty for 20 years. With support from the U of A Library’s OER Initiative, Mike developed An Interactive Text for Food and Agricultural Marketing. This OER has now been used for three semesters, twice by Mike and once by another professor. An Interactive Text is written in the R markdown language and contains embedded R shiny apps to provide the interactivity for demonstrations and end-of-chapter problem sets. The text is deployed online at http://shiny.uark.edu:3838/AGEC3303/OnlineText/ (and in ScholarWorks@UARK) with source files available on GitHub (https://github.com/thomsen-m/FAM-OER). Mike’s presentation will address the motivation, challenges, and joys of developing and adopting the OER along with its impact on his course and students.

Presentation sponsored by the Open Access Group 

Crafting Your Book Proposal and Attracting a Publisher 
Melody Herr will present Tuesday, April 2 from 7:45 – 9 a.m. in ARKU 512-513 for April’s Research Over Easy Breakfast. She will provide information on identifying publishers, creating a book proposal and crafting a cover letter that will catch an editor’s attention. Registration is required. 

Are You All In? 
Our All in for Arkansas campaign begins April 3, and we’re looking for social media ambassadors to help get the word out about the great things happening in the Libraries. Visit https://annualfund.uark.edu/areas-to-impact/volunteer-team-details.php to sign up – there’s still time! 

Research and Publication Basics (ALCTS Five-Part Webinar Series)
Have you wanted to perform research but don’t know where to start? Do you have an idea for research but are unsure about what to do next? Do you want to understand how to perform assessment or how to visualize data to show value to stakeholders? Then this webinar series is for you. This five-part series will introduce attendees to the research and publication process, specifically for those working in technical services areas. 

Part 1 provides an overview of the research process and describes each part of a research project. Part 2 describes research methods and data analysis techniques typically used in librarianship. Part 3 discusses how to write the results of research and what editors are looking for in article submissions. Part 4 focuses on assessment in technical services areas and explains how to match assessment goals to methodologies. Part 5 is centered on data visualization and presents the tools and strategies used to communicate value to stakeholders.

All sessions will be held in Room 302B from 1:00-2:00:

Wednesday, February 20, 2019 – Anatomy of a Research Project

Wednesday, March 6, 2019 – Research Methodologies and Data Analysis

Wednesday, March 20, 2019 – Writing and Publishing Research Results

Wednesday, April 3, 2019 – Assessment in Technical Services

Wednesday, May 8, 2019 – Communicating Impact Using Data Visualization

For more information about the series, please visit: http://www.ala.org/alcts/confevents/upcoming/webinar/researchbasics.

Data Dabbling: Introduction to GIS 
April 1, 2-3:30 p.m., MULN 102
Want to step a toe into the waters of GIS? Join Lora Lennertz for an introductory look at several freely available GIS products that you can explore yourself or suggest to users. Attendees will learn the terminology of GIS and standard processes for creating maps. Get your feet wet! 

Data Dabbling is intended to be a series of hands-on informal explorations of data topics designed for self-growth, fun and greater familiarity and comfort with data topics. Your suggestions for future topics are welcome! 

Poetry Month
April is National Poetry Month, and that’s the theme for next month’s West Entry Display. Send your favorite poem, or a poem you think should be featured, to Ariel Romero at ajromero@uark.edu. 

Out-of-Office Notices 

Name Date Contact
Amy Allen 2/18 – 3/29 Heath Robinson, hjr001@uark.edu
Tess Gibson 3/18-19 Christina Rhoades, crm005@uark.edu, 5-6424 
Robin Roggio 3/18-22 Lisa Dunigan-Little, little@uark.edu, 5-5311 or Christina Rhoades, crm005@uark.edu, 5-6424
Trent Garner 3/18-22  
Deb Cheval 3/18-25 Marco De Prosperis, Renee Rogers or Brian Curtis 
Phil Jones 3/26-29 Emilee Matthews, 5-3499, em037@uark.edu


Calendar of Libraries’ Events – mark your personal calendars!

Date Event
3/26 OER: The Successful Experience of a U of A Professor, 3 PM, MULN 486
3/28 Arkansauce, 4 PM, MULN 130
4/2 Crafting Your Book Proposal, 7:45 AM, ARKU 512-513
4/2 Opening Up the Archive, 5 PM, MULN 130
4/2-3 Research Day, 8 AM, Arkansas Union
4/4 Grad Student Speaker Robyn Spears, 4 PM, MULN 130
4/25 The Art of Creating Books, 4 PM, MULN 130