Lost in the stars? Explore more than 13 million citations to astronomy and physics research publications and arXiv preprints in the newly-redesigned NASA Astrophysics Data Service. Indexing journal articles and papers back to the 19th century in some cases, The ADS is operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) under a NASA grant. This open access service links to available full text as well as astronomical object information, data catalogs and data sets hosted by external archives.
The new ADS offers a convenient one-box search, much like web search engines. It accepts both fielded and unfielded queries. For fielded queries, the required search field (such as author:) is entered along with the search terms in order to narrow the scope of the search, for example author:kennefick.
Unfielded queries are entered without field tags and search in all metadata fields: author; publication year; title; abstract; identifier, such as bibcodes and DOIs; and bibstem, or the shortened form of publication names (e.g. ApJ, SPIE, AAS).
The new ADS also offers a Classic Search form, which reproduces the multi-box search form in Classic, for those unfamiliar with one-box searching. New users are also encouraged to check out ADS documentation, especially the Quick Start and Search Syntax guides.
ADS can export citations to RefWorks, EndNote, and Zotero. You can also customize your account to use our Find it! full text locator.
Some features for the new ADS, such as search alerts and saved searches, are still being built. Check the ADS blog for updates on new releases.
ADS “Classic” will be retired later this summer. If you previously had an account on the legacy system, you’ll want to create a user account in the new ADS. Step-by-step instructions for transferring over any personal libraries of saved citations, custom export formats, or other settings are posted on the NASA ADS blog.
See you around the galaxy!