Arkansas’s Pulitzer Prize-Winning Poet, John Gould Fletcher

Fletcher portrait

The Pulitzer Prize turns 100 this year. The papers and book collection of Arkansas’s only Pulitzer-winning poet, John Gould Fletcher, are in the University Libraries’ Special Collections, and we would like to share a few examples of manuscripts, letters, and other materials available to researchers. …Continue Reading Arkansas’s Pulitzer Prize-Winning Poet, John Gould Fletcher

Congressman Ray Thornton, 1928-2016

Congressman Ray Thornton

With a diverse career including over 40 years of public service, Ray Thornton created a meaningful legacy in Arkansas. A graduate of the University of Arkansas School of Law, Thornton served as Arkansas Attorney General, an Arkansas Supreme Court Justice, president of the University of Arkansas system, and as a two-term U.S. congressman….Continue Reading Congressman Ray Thornton, 1928-2016

University Libraries and Transformation – Our Growth From 1872 to Today

Photo of Amy Allen

National Library Week this year celebrates how #LibrariesTransform. Here on campus, Vol Walker Library was a tremendous improvement on library space when it opened in 1935. Find out more about how the University Libraries have transformed from modest beginnings – just 137 books – to over two million volumes and five satellite locations, with this post from University Archivist Amy Allen. (NLW16)…Continue Reading University Libraries and Transformation – Our Growth From 1872 to Today