Our Multimedia Department has compiled a list of streaming videos available to all students, staff and faculty for Asian Pacific Heritage Month. A display is also available at Mullins Library….Continue Reading Celebrate Asian Pacific Heritage Month With University Libraries Multimedia
Category: UARK Libraries
Libraries Offer Free, Virtual Workshop: Introduction to the Unix Shell
Introduction to the Unix Shell, taught by The Carpentries, is set for May 11 and 17. These are the first in a series of training sessions designed to enhance software skills across campus….Continue Reading Libraries Offer Free, Virtual Workshop: Introduction to the Unix Shell
Undergraduate Research Week Poster Competition Winners Announced
Learn about the presentations and posters of the top three winners in each category of the U of A Undergraduate Research Week Poster Competition. …Continue Reading Undergraduate Research Week Poster Competition Winners Announced
Learn About Asian American Pacific Islander Month With Libraries Research Guides
In honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Month in May, the Libraries encourage campus to utilize these online resources to learn more about this community….Continue Reading Learn About Asian American Pacific Islander Month With Libraries Research Guides
Undergraduate Research Week Schedule Now Available
This year’s Undergraduate Research Week is set for today through Friday, and the U of A is celebrating with a slate of virtual events and a poster competition….Continue Reading Undergraduate Research Week Schedule Now Available
Undergraduate Researchers Share Appreciation for Mentors
In honor of Undergraduate Research Week 2021, the winners of last year’s poster competition share words of appreciation for their research advisors and mentors. …Continue Reading Undergraduate Researchers Share Appreciation for Mentors