Strange and true news from Long-Ally in More-Fields, Southwark, and Wakefield in Yorkshire 1. The wonderful and miraculous appearance of the ghost of Griffin Davis (at the house of Mr. Watkins in Long-Ally) to his daughter Susan Davis … 2. A more exact relation of the strruge [sic] appearance of the ghost of Mr. Powel near the Faulcon … London : Printed for John Johnson, 1661. Reproduction of original in Cambridge University Library. Copyright ProQuest LLC 2019.You can find scholarly research on the paranormal in APA’s PsycINFO. There are plenty of critical articles on Gothic and horror literature in Gale Literature. The MLA International Bibliography offers articles and books on vampires in folk literature and popular culture. EHRAF World Cultures allows you to browse across cultures for beliefs about the supernatural and witchcraft. And our own Ozark Folksong Collection offers dozens of ghost stories and murder ballads, collected locally here in Arkansas and Missouri.
A faithful narrative of the wonderful and surprising appearance of Counsellor Morgan’s ghost at the meeting of the independent inhabitants of the city and liberty of Westminster, last Friday night being the first of August…[London] : Printed by J. Appleby, in the Strand, [1746]. Reproduction of original in the British Library. Copyright ProQuest LLC 2019.Saducismus triumphatus: or, full and plain evidence concerning witches and apparitions. In two parts. The first treating of their possibility. the second of their real existence. 3rd ed. Joseph Glanvil. London : printed for A.L. and sold by Roger Tuckyr, at the Golden Leg, the corner of Salisbury-street in the Strand, MDCC. [1700]. Reproduction of original in the British Library. Copyright ProQuest LLC 2019.
Witchcrafts, strange and wonderfull: discovering the damnable practices of seven witches, against the lives of certaine noble personages, and others of this kingdome, as shall appeare in this lamentable history. ; With an approved triall how to finde out either witch or any apprentice to witch-craft. Margaret Flower. Imprinted at London, : by M.F. for Thomas Lambert at the Horshooe neere the Hospitall Gate in Smithfield., 1635. Reproduction of original in: University of Glasgow. Library. Copyright ProQuest LLC 2019.
But for some of the most entertaining and ghoulish Halloween reading, we recommend Early English Books Online (EEBO). EEBO offers digital facsimiles of every book printed in England and English books printed abroad from 1470 to 1700. Including the first printed versions of Spenser, Bacon, More and Shakespeare, EEBO is a virtual library of primary sources treating the English Renaissance, early scientific and medical investigations, the development of transatlantic trade, the Elizabethan stage, and religious and political tracts of the English Civil War.
Each book, pamphlet, and broadside in EEBO is fully cataloged, meaning you can search for subjects such as ghosts, witchcraft, monsters, or apparitions and retrieve items on those topics no matter what strange langvagge, wordes, or speling might be in the book title. Here you will find such thrillers as:
The deemon of Marleborough, or, More news from VVilt-shire in a most exact account of the aparition of the ghost, or spirit of Edward Aven : published heretofore, but now much augmented, with many more discoveries, containing wonderful passages, from its first appearance there, to the 24th of Jan., 1674/5 : being the examination of Thomas Godard, the said Avens son in law, taken before the major, and other magistrates of that borough. . [London : s.n.], 1675.
The strange vvitch at Greenvvich, (ghost, spirit, or hobgoblin) haunting a wench, late servant to a miser, suspected a murtherer of his late vvife: with curious discussions of walking spirits and spectars of dead men departed, for rare and mysticall knowledge and discourse, / by Hieronymus Magomastix. London : Printed by Thomas Harper, and are to be sold by John Saywell, at the Greyhound in Little Britaine, 1650.
The world turn’d upside down, or, A plain detection of errors, in the common or vulgar belief, relating to spirits, spectres or ghosts, dæmons, witches, &c. in a due and serious examination of their nature, power, administration, and operation...Balthazar Bekker. London : Printed for Eliz. Harris at the Harrow in Little Britain, 1700.
A further account of the tryals of the New-England witches with the observations of a person who was upon the place several days when the suspected witches were first taken into examination : to which is added, Cases of conscience concerning witchcrafts and evil spirits personating men / written at the request of the ministers of New-England… Increase Mather. London : Printed for J. Dunton …, 1693.
A pleasant treatise of witches their imps, and meetings, persons bewitched, magicians, necromancers, incubus, and succubus’s, familiar spirits, goblings, pharys, specters, phantasms, places haunted, and devillish impostures : with the difference between good and bad angels, and a true relation of a good genius…London : Printed by H.B. for C. Wilkinson … and Tho. Archer and Tho. Burrell …, 1673.
Doctor Lambs darling: or, strange and terrible news from Salisbury; being a true, exact, and perfect relation, of the great and wonderful contract and engagement made between the devil, and Mistris Anne Bodenham; with the manner how she could transform her self into the shape of a mastive dog, a black lyon, a white bear, a woolf, a bull, and an cat; and by her charms and spels….London : Printed for G. Horton, 1653.
Want to continue the frights forward in time? Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO)serves as a sequel to EEBO, with every book printed in England or in English through the “long” 18th century, from 1700 to the early 1800s. Here you will find digital facsimiles for more than 180,000 works–almost 33 million page images. It’s more than enough scary stuff to last you until Halloween 2021.
A maruelous hystory intitulede, beware the cat Conteyning diuers wounderfull and incredible matters. Very pleasant and mery to read. William Baldwin. Imprinted at London : In Fleetestrete at the signe of the Faulcon by Wylliam Gryffith: and are to be sold at his shop in S. Dunstons Church-yarde, Anno. 1570. Reproduction of original in the British Library. Copyright ProQuest LLC 2019.