The University Libraries and the Honors College invite all Honors undergraduate students to attend one of two in-person open house events. The first is set for 2-4 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 5, in the Mullins Library west lobby, and the second is set for 2-4 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 6, in GEAR 310. Students can drop by to learn about the U of A’s institutional repository, ScholarWorks@UARK, and receive information about submitting their honors thesis. Jay McAllister, Honors College librarian, will be present to answer any questions along with Chelsea Hodge, Honors College director of Grants and Research Innovation. No appointment is necessary. Swag bags with goodies will be provided, while supplies last.

“ScholarWorks@UARK can be a helpful tool on a student’s journey to completing their honors thesis and beyond,” said Cedar Claire Middleton, Institutional Repository coordinator. “One, having previous students’ work can give current students ideas for their thesis research, and two, it can be a great way to showcase student work to prospective employers.”

“The Office of Scholarly Communications and the University Libraries are both invaluable resources for students starting, writing and submitting their theses,” said Chelsea Hodge, director of Grants and Research Innovation for the Honors College. “This Open House will give students the opportunity to connect with staff and faculty who can help them each step of the way.”

McAllister agrees.

“The Open House provides an opportunity to meet and talk about the research process and potential topics,” he said.

ScholarWorks@UARK highlights a growing collection of student work, faculty publications, presentations and teaching materials. The U of A is committed to disseminating its research and scholarship as widely as possible.