Knovel provides a searchable database of more than 2500 handbooks and reference sources in science and engineering, integrating technical information with analytical and search tools to drive innovation and deliver answers engineers can trust. In Knovel you will find full text of handbooks, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and topic guides complete with charts, graphs, and data tables with physical, electrical, chemical, and mechanical properties of various substances. Knovel serves all fields in engineering and related disciplines such as operations management. Find out more about Knovel on our LibGuide.
The Knovel Academic Challenge is a weekly game for undergraduate and graduate engineering students. Compete with other STEM students worldwide while solving weekly engineering problems. Win prizes for yourself and gain glory for the U of A!
The first problem-set will go live on Monday, September 28. On every following Monday for 5 weeks — until Sunday, November 1 — a new problem-set containing 7-10 multiple choice questions will be posted.