While you were away on Fall Break, Knovel, the essential tool for engineering and technology handbooks, standards, and properties, got a nifty new interface with improved search and browsing functions, a clean, streamlined, look, and more ways to make Knovel your very own.
Knovel is an online library of over 3000 technical books and databases. Some of the most important handbooks with physical, electrical, chemical, and mechanical property information, such as Patty’s Industrial Hygiene, Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials , and Yaws’ Critical Property Data for Chemical Engineers and Chemists are included in this resource. Large encyclopedia sets in all technical areas including energy, sustainability, environmental sciences as well as chemical engineering and nanoscience are also available. Everything is full text. Everything is searchable. Some resources have interactive graphs, charts and equations. Knovel also provides access to over 800 interactive equations, a fantastic periodical table, and an extensive unit conversion tool.
Search Enhancements
Some of the new features with this Knovel release include type-ahead and recommended results. Simply begin typing your search term(s) and Knovel will offer suggested content.
![Knovel search screen showing type ahead functionality](https://bpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com/wordpressua.uark.edu/dist/4/81/files/2017/10/KnovelTypeAhead.jpg)
Knovel also now includes filters or facets to help you narrow and focus your results.
![Knovel search facets](https://bpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com/wordpressua.uark.edu/dist/4/81/files/2017/10/KnovelFacets.jpg)
Better Access to Charts, Tables, Properties, and Equations
The Knovel Materials Property Search, also known as “Data Search” now offers easy drag and drop functionality to add terms or practice areas to your search. Knovel’s Materials Property Search makes it easy to find exact pieces of data, whether it’s buried in a table, graph or chart, or published as part of a data set.
![Knovel Materials Property Search](https://bpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com/wordpressua.uark.edu/dist/4/81/files/2017/10/KnovelMaterials.jpg)
My Knovel Updates
Create a personal account on Knovel to save chapters or tables for later use. You can also annotate items you found on Knovel and organize them in folders. My Knovel also provides access to personal credentials you can use in the My Knovel to Go mobile app for for Android or iOS. My Knovel to Go allows you to save content for later consultation on your mobile device.