image of one of the towers of Old Main in front of a red shield. Text reads: University of Arkansas | University Libraries

To celebrate all University of Arkansas faculty who have received tenure or a promotion in recent years, a new webpage has been created by the University Libraries. The campus is encouraged to join in the celebration by viewing these faculty accomplishments.

“The University Libraries are integral to research and instruction on campus,” said Jason Battles, dean of Libraries. “And in this central role, it is important for us to help celebrate all U of A faculty that are recently promoted or tenured and highlight their contributions to their respective fields.”

Prior to the 2019-2020 academic year, the Libraries had hosted an event and curated an exhibit annually to celebrate faculty tenure and promotion. The webpage serves as a more inclusive and enduring testament to faculty accomplishments. Plans are in place to update the webpage annually Interested faculty may contact Kelsey Lovewell, director of public relations for the University Libraries, at

“Research is an essential part of our mission to improve lives and build a better world. We respect and admire the faculty conducting and publishing this research, and also the Libraries for offering the services and resources that make it possible,” stated Kathy Sloan, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs.