This week, the move of materials to the new facility begins, starting with call number areas HG – HX on Level 3 and M – N on Level 1. See the floor maps below for details of the affected areas.
During this week, all items in these these call number ranges will be marked “In Transit” to indicate that items may be inaccessible for a short while. Even items staying in Mullins Library will be put “In Transit” as the area is shifted.
Find a book you need that is marked “In Transit?” We can borrow it for you from another library with the Interlibrary Loan service (ILLiad). Read more about this option on last week’s blog post.
As soon as the materials are again available for browsing or requesting, we’ll remove the “In Transit” status. In the meantime, don’t forget that we have a large collection of ebooks in all subject areas.
Here are some of the most popular ebooks in call numbers areas affected by the move this week:
HG Economics, Finance
- Fundraising Principles and Practice, 2010
- Behavioral Finance : Understanding the Social, Cognitive, and Economic Debates, 2013
HM Sociology
- Internet, Phone, Mail, and Mixed-Mode Surveys : The Tailored Design Method, 2014
- Social Dimensions of Climate Change : Equity and Vulnerability in a Warming World, 2010
- Social Networks : Development, Evaluation and Influence, 2008
HN Social Reform, Social Issues
- The New Class Society : Goodbye American Dream? 2014
- Memories of May ’68 : France’s Convenient Consensus, 2011
HQ Gender Studies
- Standing in the Intersection : Feminist Voices, Feminist Practices in Communication Studies, 2012
- Sexuality in Muslim Contexts : Restrictions and Resistance, 2012
HT Communities and Class
- Rethinking Urban Parks : Public Space and Cultural Diversity, 2005
- The Ghosts of Berlin : Confronting German History in the Urban Landscape, 1997
HV Social Welfare, Criminology
- Spiritual Diversity in Social Work Practice : The Heart of Helping, 2009
- Understanding Narrative Therapy : A Guidebook for the Social Worker, 2001
HX Socialism, Communism, Anarchism
- Three Early Modern Utopias : Thomas More: Utopia / Francis Bacon: New Atlantis / Henry Neville: the Isle of Pines, 1999
- American Anarchism, 2013
ML Music
N Visual Arts
- But Is It Art? : An Introduction to Art Theory, 2001
- Chinese Art and Its Encounter with the World : Negotiating Alterity in Art and Its Historical Interpretation, 2011
NA Architecture
- Le Corbusier, Hommes de Lettres, 2011
- Fractal Architecture : Organic Design Philosophy in Theory and Practice, 2012
Find these and other ebooks in our library catalog , QuickSearch, or browse our ebook portal by subject.
![Level 2 areas affected by renovation: Northwest elevator](
![Level 3 areas affected by renovation this week: Call numbers HG - HX](