The Libraries have recently expanded access to publications from the Harvard Business School and Harvard Business Review. These databases join Ebsco Business Source Complete on the popular Ebscohost platform, allowing you to search across articles, case studies, ebooks, company profiles, and other publications. By adding access to important curricula materials such as selected HBS case studies, the Libraries hope to help with college affordability and expand resources available for business research and classroom use.
These resources are now included in Ebsco Business Source Complete or can be searches separately:
Harvard Business School Select Case Study Collection
The Harvard Case Study is a teaching and analysis tool in use for more than 100 years. This collection brings together more than 2,000 HBS case studies, focusing on actual challenges that companies face. Case studies provide real-world scenarios and commentary designed to help student understand decision-making, management, organizational change, and company and marketplace dynamics.
Please note that this collection is a small selection from the more than 50,000 HBS Case Studies to date. HBS Cases are indexed in Ebsco Business Source Complete back to 1922. Searching there will allow you to identify case studies that might then be requested as part of a course pack; these are generally not available through Interlibrary Loan.
Harvard Business School Core Curriculum
This database offers readings authored by HBS faculty covering the foundational concepts, theories, and frameworks essential for business studies. Materials include test banks and videos. Teaching notes are freely available with a personal educator account at
Harvard Business Review Press Ebook Collection
In contrast to the highly selective Case Study Collection, this new resource offers the complete catalog of almost 700 books published by the Harvard Business Review. Books include both monographs as well as thematic article compilations from HBR. Topics covered include decision-making and strategic planning, human resources and personnel management, skills and career development, leadership, entrepreneurship, and economics and finance.
These ebooks are rights-managed by the publisher so that you can generally not download the entire book indefinitely. Read online or download a limited number of pages or chapters to save the PDF sections to your computer. Alternately, to download the entire book to read offline for up to 48 hours, login to My Ebscohost with a personal account. Note that offline reading will require Adobe Digital Editions software. Read more about short-term downloads of Ebsco ebooks and Adobe Digital Editions at the Ebsco site.
Harvard Business Review and Course Reserves
Harvard Business Review Publishing places considerable restrictions on linking to HBR articles on the Ebscohist platform. One cannot provide links to Ebsco articles through Blackboard, a website, or in course reserves. In addition, 500 top HBR articles can only be read online. However, because the Libraries own print copies of HBR, we can scan a limited number of articles for course reserves from our collection. Read more in our Harvard Business Review FAQ.