New EBSCOhost user interface

In January, the popular EBSCO service will move to a new interface for all databases.  The familiar blue and green pages will be replaced by a crisp, streamlined user experience developed with the typical user’s research journey in mind and based on user feedback, testing, and accessibility standards.

You can preview the new interface at

For a quick overview of the new features of the basic and advanced search, view this five-minute tutorial on YouTube or Vimeo.

You won’t need to change any of your permalinks to EBSCO content and searches, all links should redirect automatically to the new interface.  However, if you are a seasoned EBSCO user, you’ll find some big changes.  Here are some updates of note:

Popular Filters are More Prominent

Rather than a long list of possible filters on the left of the screen, the most-used filters are now at the top of the results list.  These include filters for items in full text or articles in peer-reviewed journals.

Filters are now at the top of the Ebsco search screen

Action Options Menu

Full text links can be found under the Access Options Menu.

New Ebsco interface: access options menu

Copy Permalinks from the Browser Bar

URLs in the address bar are now permalinks and can be copied and shared.

New Ebsco interface and permalinks

SmartText Searching

EBSCO is set by default to use “proximity” or phrase searches.  You can change the search mode under Search options.  Try out SmartText searching, where you can paste a full citation or a block of text in the first search box to try to find a match.  SmartText searching is especially useful for citation searching.

Ebsco search options including SmartText searching

E-book Experience Improved

Both navigation within a book and online reading are more intuitive. Information on the number of simultaneous users and download limits is  more prominent, with a simplified online reader interface.   

New Ebsco Interface for E-books

Publications and Subjects Searches

Publication search and subject / thesaurus searches are now below the search box (in advanced search) with other search limits.  Note that these options will change depending on the selected databases.

Publications and subjects search in new Ebsco interface.

Company Search

Company Search In Business Source Complete has also moved.  Look for the Company Profile search in the search filters below the search box. Choose Publication Type > Company Profile.  Note that the Company Search option only appears if you are in Business Source Complete uncombined with other databases. The Publication Type filter varies depending on the selected databases.

Ebsco New Interface Company Search

New Projects Feature

You’ll find greater support for saving, organizing, and sharing citations with a new “Projects” feature.  Projects are an extension of the folders you may already be using in MyEBSCO, but with added functionality such as setting due dates.  You can save records and searches to projects.

Ebsco new user interface Projects feature

What’s Missing?

Despite all these great additions, there are some features missing from the new EBSCO interface.  Most of these are planned for release later in 2025, including Cited reference searching, expected July 2025


Do I need to update links?

No, all current links to searches, articles, publications, and databases should automatically point to the new interface in early January 2025.

Will my saved records migrate?

Yes, records you saved to MyEBSCO will still be available in the new interface.

Will my saved searches and search alerts migrate?

No, you will need to recreate saved searches and search alerts.  Make a note now of your saved searches and alerts so that you can easily recreate them in the new Ebsco.

Read more about creating search alerts in the new EBSCO.

Read more about creating journal alerts in the new EBSCO.

Do I need to update Blackboard?

No; if you have used the EBSCO app in the Blackboard Content Market, these content objects should continue to work.  But we’ll test on January 7 to be sure!

I have more questions!

Please Ask us by email or chat if you have specific questions on the new EBSCO interface.