Tuesday Times

Tuesday Times January 19, 2021 Send your news to Kelsey Lovewell Lippard by 5:00 p.m. on Mondays.   Congratulations, Angie! Read Angie Ohler’s article, “From Peril to Promise: The Academic Library Post-COVID,” in this month’s issue of College & Research Libraries News.  Endnote Instruction Sessions Do you have to cite sources for your paper, thesis…Continue Reading Tuesday Times

Pen Women: The History of Female Poets in Arkansas

Marinoni Portrait

Women throughout Arkansas’ history have carved spaces to express themselves through poetry, by way of both organizations to promote their literature and artistic expression and by their individual work that has established them as notable literary figures. Intern Emily Snyder explores the legacy of women poets in the archives and books available in Special Collections. …Continue Reading Pen Women: The History of Female Poets in Arkansas

Tuesday Times

Tuesday Times January 5, 2021 Send your news to Kelsey Lovewell Lippard by 5:00 p.m. on Mondays.  Congratulations, Tony and Luti! Tony Stankus is once again named the world’s most published Scientific or Medical Librarian. In an upcoming article by Selenay Aytac (Long Island University) and Clara Tran (Stony Brook University to be published in…Continue Reading Tuesday Times

Still Exploring Arkansas: Updates to the Rare Books and Arkansiana Collections

Bossu Occidentales Frontispiece

Even during unprecedented times, Special Collections librarians work to continually build the rare and unique materials available to researchers and students. Here is a preview of a few remarkable examples of rare books about the early history of the state joining the “Arkansiana” preserved in Special Collections. …Continue Reading Still Exploring Arkansas: Updates to the Rare Books and Arkansiana Collections