Walton Reading Room in Mullins Library

Walton Reading Room in Mullins LibraryThis week, we look across a number of our research databases to sample results on a topic of interest to all of us: college students, stress, sleep, study skills, and success at  finals.


ERIC is the go-to database for published research on all levels of education.  Created and maintained by the U.S. Department of Education, ERIC indexes and provides full text for two types of publications:

  • Journal Articles (EJ accession numbers)
    Use the Find it! button to locate possible full text or check the library catalog under journal name to locate these.
  • ERIC Documents (ED accession numbers)
    These reports, government studies, and conference papers can often be found in full text online from 1993 – to the present. The U of A Libraries have a large collection of older documents on microfiche; these are in a storage location and can be requested through ILLiad.

ERIC is available on a number of platforms, including from Ebsco, ProQuest, and direct from the U.S. Department of Education.  Here are some sample results from searching ERIC for terms such as “college students” and “final exams” and (stress or anxiety or sleep or health):


PsycINFO is the premier index to research on all fields of psychology and related behavioral and social sciences; it includes citations to journal articles as well as books, technical reports, and dissertations.  PsycARTICLES is a full-text database of top journals in the field.  Both are published by the American Psychological Association and cover research back into the 19th century.  A search in PsycINFO for terms such as “college students” and “Test anxiety” and finals turned up articles such as these:

Chronicle of Higher Education

While ERIC and PsycINFO mainly cover academic or research articles and publications, the Chronicle of Higher Education is more of a trade magazine for the world of colleges and universities.  This weekly offers news, opinion, statistics, and feature articles about every aspect of academe.  The Libraries provide a campus-wide license to the Chronicle.  

A search for recent articles on finals and stress in the Chronicle found articles such as those below.  Most articles are aimed at faculty and administrators, rather than offering study tips to students.

Ebsco EBook Collection

The Libraries subscribe to thousands of books through the Ebsco platform. Not all these books are in the library catalog, yet, so it’s a good idea to navigate directly to Ebsco Ebooks and search for titles of interest to you.  You can read these ebooks online or download them to your computer for a limited time for offline reading.  A search for “study skills” found titles like the following:

Good Luck on Finals

But it’s not all about the databases.  The Libraries and our campus partners have your back during finals with study breaks and extended hours.  Good luck and let us know if we can help in any way!