Tuesday Times

The Tuesday Times—October 11, 2016 Send your news to Molly Boyd and view each week’s Tuesday Times on the Libraries’ blog 365 McIlroy. Rock Sets What’s the second-most circulated item in the Libraries? If you said rocks, you’d be right. Geosciences librarian Jozef Laincz reports that the rocks and minerals kits have recently been expanded…Continue Reading Tuesday Times

Tuesday Times

Photo of UARK SEC Exchange Attendees

The Tuesday Times highlights news and updates for Libraries’ faculty and staff. This week there’s info on faculty accolades and accomplishments, a link to a new LibGuide, background on our latest exhibit, plus events, reminders, and updates!…Continue Reading Tuesday Times

Tuesday Times

The Tuesday Times highlights news and updates for Libraries’ faculty and staff. We’re almost there — this is the last Tuesday Times of Spring 2016! This week’s edition provides info on faculty, staff, and student accomplishments, links to Commencement 2016 information, and provides important updates and year-end reminders. …Continue Reading Tuesday Times