Tuesday Times

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The Tuesday Times highlights news and updates for Libraries’ faculty and staff. This edition links you to everything. Find info on SpeColl’s largest ever grant, PAM’s streaming concert recordings, resources for Int’l Women’s Day, Sierra’s most popular keyword searches last month, facsimiles of Durell Stone’s drawings in Puerto Rico, #NLWD16 Award Nominations, and MORE!…Continue Reading Tuesday Times

Special Collections awarded NHPRC grant to process the James D. Bales Papers, largest in department’s history.

Bales taught at Harding College in Searcy from 1944-1981 and became nationally known for his conservative political activism and his anticommunist stance. The National Historical Publications and Records Commission award is for $73,989. See the UARK Newswire article on the grant for more information….Continue Reading Special Collections awarded NHPRC grant to process the James D. Bales Papers, largest in department’s history.

Celebrating Black History Month with the Ozark Folksong Collection

Charlotte Stephens

Among the more than 4600 recordings available digitally through the Ozark Folksong Collection—the largest collection of Ozark folksongs available anywhere—there are several examples of folk songs and stories from the African American tradition in Arkansas. We have highlighted the work of remarkable Arkansans such as Charlotte Stephens and others included in the collection in celebration of Black History Month….Continue Reading Celebrating Black History Month with the Ozark Folksong Collection

Tuesday Times

Photo of Edward Durell Stone at Work, from the Arkansas Architectural Archives

The Tuesday Times highlights news and updates for Libraries’ faculty and staff. This edition links you to African American Newspapers Series 1, 1827-1998, our award-winning Ozark Folksong Collection, and local appearances of Special Collections, among other news!…Continue Reading Tuesday Times

Tuesday Times

Lora Lennertz at the opening of the Ozark Folksong Collection last August. Photo by Matt Reynolds.

The Tuesday Times highlights news and updates for Libraries’ faculty and staff. This edition showcases our award-winning Ozark Folksong Collection, a new exhibit from Special Collections, and the increasing impact of ScholarWorks@UARK. A highlight this week? Elaine Thornton answers Three Weird Questions!…Continue Reading Tuesday Times