America’s News is  the place to find current newspaper articles from the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, the Times Record (Fort Smith),  the Jonesboro Sun, the El Dorado News-Times and more than 2,000 other local, regional, and national U.S. news sources.  With news sources from 55 states and territories, you can quickly find local coverage of current events and opinion nationwide. While there is some coverage back to 1978, most papers date from the late 1990s.

You can search America’s News by keyword across the database, by keyword or phrase in specific fields such as headlines or bylines, by state or city, and by time period.  A new feature, Find a Topic, allows students to navigate from broad subject areas such as “Criminal Justice” or “Environmental Studies” to subdivisions of those topics to specific articles on those themes.  These predefined searches are a great way for students to explore a subject area  before committing to a specific paper or speech topic.

Find a Topic entry screen, showing broad subject areas
Find a Topic entry screen, showing broad subject areas
Find a Topic Subjects screen
Find a Topic second screen, showing subjects within Environmental Studies
Search results from Find a Topic
Find a Topic search results: newspaper articles from across the nation on genetically-modified foods.