Photo of Fall Convocation Throwback, last year's witch and macho man.

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Visit 365 McIlroy for the latest in Database News

Beth Juhl, Web Services Librarian, has been keeping the Database News channel at 365 McIlroy up to date with important information – recent topics include how Knovel integrates with MS Excel, searching the Creative Commons, and using tools like SHARE Notify and the OA Button. Or kick it back to the archives to learn how Mango uses movies to help you learn languages – check out a list of their titles here.


ICYMI: Digital Collections and New Directions for the SpeColl at UARK Libraries

Joshua Youngblood wrote a great article in the Newswire last week summarizing our latest digital projects and initiatives. You can find information on our new blog, 365 McIlroy, and “Commence and Go Forth,” our latest digital collection—curated by Amy Allen, University Archivist, “Commence” contains 44 speeches given at U of A commencement ceremonies between 1947 and 2007. Find info on our largest digital collection to date; what we’ll be digitizing with a Project CERES grant; plus a link to the Jones-Wright exhibit – especially helpful if you need to brush up on your organic architecture before visiting the Bachman-Wilson House at Crystal Bridges when it opens to the public next month.  Great work, Joshua!


IET Sales Manager on Hand This Week at MULN, BELL

Patricia Kirkwood reports that John Lloyd from Institute of Engineering and Technology is visiting today and tomorrow.  He is sponsoring an Open House in Bell 2258 from noon until 5 pm each day.  On display will be IET TV, and training for INSPEC on the Web of Science Platform is available.  Students, staff, and faculty from other departments are invited, especially those interested in technology, social policy, sustainability, applied mathematics and/or materials.  Llyod will also be providing information to librarians, library staff, and other interested folks Wednesday morning, 9-11am, in Mullins 102 (IET TV, IET electronic books, and INSPEC).


ALPS INFOBITS Scheduled for 11/6 in Hot Springs

Lynaire Hartsell reports that Annual Arkansas Library Paraprofessionals One-Day Conference/Workshop called INFOBITS will be held on Friday, 11/6 at the Garland County Library in Hot Springs. This year’s topics include information on active shootings, cyber security, and YA programming. ALPS conferences are always open to anyone who works in a library – library directors, administration/clerical/tech staff, mail clerks, reference librarians/assistants, genealogy librarians/assistants, any specialty librarians/ assistants – all are welcome. Contact Lynaire for more info or a copy of the registration form.


Annual Fall Convocation Scheduled for Friday, October 30th

The annual, all-libraries, fall meeting – sponsored by the Staff Concerns Committee – is scheduled for Friday, October 30th from 2-4pm in Mullins Library’s Staff Lounge.  Some snacks and sweets will be provided; however, if you would like to bring food to share with colleagues, a sign-up sheet will be available on the refrigerator in Mullins’ Staff Lounge (or post to the facebook group!).  Contact the Staff Concerns Committee members, or Geoffery Stark, with any questions—and please share this information with staff members who may not be familiar with the Fall Convocation.


Staff Senate Launching 2015 RazorGifts Staff Holiday Gifting Program

Stephanie Freedle reports that Staff Senate is launching, RazorGifts, a new program this year to help UA Staff provide holiday gifts and essentials to their dependent children. Applications are due November 6. For all the details, an application, or info on how to donate, please visit their website. Thanks, Steph!



  • United Way is Under Way: A box to collect your pledge cards (due by 10/31) is in Ila’s office (MULN 205). Even if you are unable to donate, please turn in your pledge cards so everyone can be counted. Contact Lora Lennertz at 5-5545 with any United Way questions.
  • Hannah Ness Writes “The Hardest Thing I have Ever Done” for Her Blog, Ness: Ness, a senior this year in Journalism/Advertising/PR, who was also our social media assistant last year, relaunched her personal blog last week with a post about her hike up Long’s Peak in the Rockies. You can read about her harrowing, inspirational climb on her blog.
  • People, Places, and Thinks: The current art exhibit in Mullins is on display through November.
  • Shout out to the first Special Collections category post on 365 McIlroy: If you haven’t read Folksongs, Special Collections, and the Connections between Resources yet, check it out here.


Out of Office Notices

Name Will be Out Need Anything, Please Contact (479-575-XXXX)
Kathleen Lehman 11/11-11/13 Lynaire Hartsell, 5-2737 /  Lora Lennertz, 5-5545


Calendar of Libraries’ Events – Mark Your Personal Calendars!

Date Event
10/30 SCC’s Fall Convocation, 2-4pm
10/31 United Way Deadline
11/6 ALPS Infobits at Garland County Library, Hot Springs
11/6 Classified Staff Evaluations Due to LHRO
11/11 Presentation proposals due for GIS Day
11/14 Book Signing with Allen and Nutt, 1pm, Clinton House Museu
11/17 Film Screening: The Caged Bird, 6-7:30pm, FPL
11/18 GIS Day, 11- 2pm, JBHT 263, 264 and 265,
11/19 ARGYLE DAY! (100% participation? Get your argyle prepped now!)

Don’t Forget to Join the Mullins Library Bulletin Board! With 200 of us working at the University Libraries it can be hard to keep up with everyone — find out what’s going on in and around our community by joining the Mullins Library Bulletin Board on facebook.  The group is sponsored by the Staff Concerns Committee and Geoffery Stark is the group’s admin.
