Tuesday Times – April 3, 2018 

Send your news to Kelsey Lovewell Lippard by 5:00 p.m. on Mondays! View each week’s Tuesday Times on the Libraries’ blog, 365 McIlroy

Reminder: OER Awards
Tomorrow is the final day to apply for this round of OER Awards! Please help us spread the word by sharing libraries.uark.edu/oer with faculty who may be interested.

Circulate: Volunteers Needed!
The Libraries are hosting the Campaign Arkansas steering committees for a special event called Circulate: A Library Showcase on Friday, April 20 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. This will be our biggest and most important event of the year. Mullins will close to the public at 2 p.m., but we will need faculty and staff to help set up for the event, to help as greeters and tour guides during the event, and to help break down the exhibits and return the library to operational after the event. We cannot grant overtime, so any staff working that evening will have to work out a flex schedule for hours that week or the next or accrue comp time. Faculty in particular are strongly encouraged to attend if at all possible.

Anyone who is willing to work that evening to help host the event, please respond to Molly Boyd, and if needed, she will request that your supervisor allow a schedule change. Molly has preliminary approval from department heads for most areas.

Are YOU All In?
The 3rd Annual All in for Arkansas giving day is set to start at 6 a.m. tomorrow, April 4! We’re going to celebrate the university’s 147th birthday in a big, big way, and you’re officially invited to be a part of the fun.

Everyone can help make All in for Arkansas a great success by participating in one or more (or ALL?) of the following:

  1. Enjoy the U of A’s bday party on the Union Mall on April 4 between 12-2 p.m. (Cake? Yes, please!)
  2. Share and like social media posts throughout the day (you could even become an official social media ambassador)
  3. Make a gift of any size (hopefully to the Libraries, but you can give any place on campus for which you’re passionate!)

This year, we have a special UA Libraries Faculty/Staff Face-Off Challenge being issued by Judy Ganson, Ellen Compton, Juana Young, Elizabeth McKee and Rebecca Harrison (in memory of John Harrison). Every gift made to support the Libraries will help unlock additional funds… so by making a gift or even by simply encouraging others to participate in the day, you’ll help unlock more dollars for our beloved Libraries!

So remember, like, share, comment and give, to see those challenge dollars unlocked! We’ll be hosting a special celebration for everyone who participates in All in for Arkansas in any way. Stay tuned for details!

Questions? Please feel free to give Rachel Krest a call or email, or stop by her office (226E).

Pink Dot Progress
As of Monday afternoon, we are approximately 23% done with pink dots.

Preservation Week: Cooking and Community Archiving
You’re invited to celebrate Preservation Week with the Libraries from April 22-28! Visit the (under construction) Preservation StaffGuide for detailed information on webinar screenings (all hosted in MULN 486):

Monday | 4/23 | 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. | Engaging our Veterans to Preserve their Histories

Tuesday | 4/24 | 1 – 2 p.m. | Preserving Family Recipes

Thursday | 4/26 | 1 – 2 p.m. | Preserving Community Memory

Food writer, speaker, and blogger Michael W. Twitty is Preservation Week’s Honorary Chair. Author of “The Cooking Gene”, Twitty is a noted culinary and cultural historian and the creator of Afroculinaria, the first blog devoted to African American historic foodways and their legacies. During the week, he will chronicle preservation efforts, and provide cooking tips and resources on Twitter (@KosherSoul) and on his Facebook page.

Open Access Virtual Presentation
Please join us on Tuesday, 24 April 2018, at 3 PM in Mullins 486 for the virtual presentation ‘Fearless on the Scholarly Communications Front: How the Texas A&M Libraries’ Subject Specialists are Making Impact.’ This presentation will address Texas A&M University Libraries’ initiatives for open access resources for the classroom, creating a library open access policy for the campus, opportunities with data, and translating the faculty narrative. Several members of the Texas A&M University Libraries’ faculty will share how their roles have expanded and opportunities have arisen from a unique working collaboration with personnel from the Office of Scholarly Communications.

Shout Out (n.) Informal. A message of congratulation, support, or appreciation.
Beth Juhl gives a shout out to Mandi Smith and her colleagues for notifying more than 500 vendors and publishers about the new address of our proxy server in just a few weeks leading up to our Sierra migration, then double-checking and cleaning up any remaining issues after the migration day.

Judy Casada
Mary Gilbertson
Dominick Grillo
Lisa Headstream
Jae Jeong
Ashley Mitchell
Charles Sabo
Jacob Wardlaw

Thanks for making such a smooth transition to the cloud, everyone!

Sustainability Tip of the Week
Did you know? The Libraries recycle batteries! Don’t throw your dead batteries away; take them to Mullins’ first floor (shipping and receiving area) to be recycled.

Calendar of Libraries’ Events – mark your personal calendars! 

Date Event
4/4 All in for Arkansas begins! 6 AM
4/4 MLK50 Celebration Screening, 10 AM, MULN 104
4/4 Ringing of Old Main Bells for MLK, 6 PM, Fulbright Peace Fountain
4/5 Renovation Open Forum for Libraries Personnel, 1 PM, RCED 202
4/6 Renovation Open Forums for Students, 9-10:30 AM, RCED 202
4/6 Renovation Open Forum for Faculty and Staff, 1-2:30 PM, RCED 202
4/11 Wrangling Library Patron Data webinar, 11 AM, MULN 486
4/20 Circulate, 5:30-7:30 PM
4/23 Engaging Veterans to Preserve, 11 AM, MULN 486
4/24 Preserving Family Recipes, 1 PM, MULN 486
4/24 Open Access Virtual Presentation, 3 PM, MULN 486
4/25 Adopting Encryption Technologies, 12 PM, MULN 486
4/26 Preserving Community Memory, 1 PM, MULN 486
5/9 Analytics and Assessment: Privacy vs. Surveillance, 12 PM, MULN 486
5/18 InfoBits, Hot Springs
5/18 Women’s Giving Circle Grant Application Deadline, 5 PM
5/23 Take Back Research Privacy webinar, 12 PM, MULN 486


Out-of-Office Notices

Name Dates Need Anything, Please Contact (479-575-XXXX)
Melody Herr 4/1-4, 4/12-16 Cedar Middleton 5-2041
Amy Allen 4/3-5/15 Heath Robinson 5-8447
Kathleen Lehman 4/16-19 Lynaire Hartsell 5-4103