No Faculty or Staff Meeting This Month
The next meetings will be held June 27 and 28.
No Summer Open Access Group Meetings
The Open Access Group will disband over the summer and reconvene in September 2018. Look for future announcements!
Farewell, Amanda!
Amanda Schilling will be joining the University of Oklahoma’s staff as Science Librarian on July 2. Join us Thursday, June 21 at 2 p.m. in the Physics Library to wish her a fond farewell.
Way to Go, Necia!
Necia Parker-Gibson has been nominated and voted in to be chair-elect for the Agricultural Network Information Collaborative. Beginning July 1, she will serve for one year as chair-elect, one year as chair, and then one year as past-chair for this small, national organization. She was also elected to serve a second term on the executive board of the United States Agricultural Information Network – a larger organization with a broader mission. Congratulations, madam chairman!
New Classes from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine
PubMed for Librarians is made up of six 90-minute segments. These six segments were presented via WebEx and recorded for archival access. Each segment is meant to be a stand-alone module designed for each user to determine how many and in what sequence they attend. The segments are designed to take 1.5 hours each. CE credit is available for viewing the recordings; visit for more details about CE credit.
Introduction to PubMed:
Automatic Term Mapping (ATM):
Building and Refining Your Search:
Using Evidence-Based Search Features:
Reminder: All in for Arkansas Celebration Rescheduled
The All in for University Libraries Celebration Shindig is set for Wednesday, May 30 at 2:30 pm. Anyone who helped out during All in for Arkansas giving day is welcome to enjoy a delicious dessert buffet, expertly supplied by some of your Libraries colleagues!
Shout Out (n.) Informal. A message of congratulation, support, or appreciation.
Kathleen Lehman would like to give a shout out to everyone who helped with the pink dot project! Together, we have dotted approximately 165,000 items. Particular shout out to the evening crew – Dennis Stephenson, Cole Davis, and Arlyn Brazell – and the weekend crew – Terry Wynn, Sara Watson, Michaela Bass, and Rock Capone – who ensured we had a strong finish and raced through the final stack of pink dot sheets.
Sustainability Tip of the Week
The theme for Earth Day 2018 is “End Plastic Pollution.” Learn, act, and engage in ending reliance on plastics this year. One way to start: refuse plastics (like straws or shopping bags) and seek out non-plastic alternatives to use instead.
Calendar of Libraries’ Events – mark your personal calendars!
Date |
Event |
5/23 |
Take Back Research Privacy webinar, 12 PM, MULN 486 |
5/23 |
Introduction to R Webinar Series, 1 PM, MULN 302B |
5/30 |
Introduction to R Webinar Series, 1 PM, MULN 302B |
5/30 |
All in for Arkansas Celebration Shindig, 2:30 PM, Staff Lounge |
Out-of-Office Notices
Name |
Dates |
Need Anything, Please Contact (479-575-XXXX) |
Lynaire Hartsell |
5/16-25 |
Kathleen Lehman,, 5-7048 |
Phil Jones |
5/14-29 |
Amanda Coward Gibson,, 5-3499 |