Welcome, Aaron! 
Hello everybody, my name is Aaron Manjarrez. I’m from Mexico but came to “the hill” to do my Bachelor’s in Marketing, and I’m currently doing my master’s in Operations Management. In my spare time I like to exercise, read books, and, since I’ve moved here, I discovered that I enjoy going hiking.
Three Weird Questions
What is the first concert you attended?
The first concert I ever attended was a mariachi concert with Vicente Fernandez. It was so beautiful and colorful, one of the best expositions of music that this genre has to offer. 
What’s your favorite guilty pleasure when it comes to candy?
When it comes to candy, I have a big weakness about any type of candy, In Mexico, I like the brand of “Pulparindo” (I just realized that they sell them at the Dollar General) and here in the US I love to eat “Nerds” (there’s a good chance you may find a box of nerds somewhere on my desk).
What’s the best live entertainment you’ve ever seen?
The best live entertainment that I’ve ever seen was a match of the Mayan game called “hot ball”. In this show there were two teams, one on each side, trying to get a ball that was on fire to go through a ring that was standing vertically in the middle of the field (the rings were positioned similarly like in Quidditch). Each team had five players and they could try to score every time the ball was on the team’s side of the field. Because the ball was on fire, nobody could hold on to the ball for a long time period and concentration was always a big issue.  At the end of the time period the team that would get the ball more times through the ring would win.
In this position as the Business Graduate Assistant, I will be helping with the needs of the Walton College of Business with their research questions as well as working in the circulation desk and other assigned duties. I look forward in meeting and working with y’all soon.
Be sure to stop by MULN 220R to say hi! Aaron can also be reached at aemanjar@uark.edu or 5-6122.
User Services Summer Training Series
User Services will host a series of trainings throughout the summer. While primarily intended for personnel who work the service desks on Mullins Level 2, all library personnel are invited to attend.  Morning sessions will be repeated in the afternoon to accommodate various work schedules. 
Thursday | June 7 | 10:30 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. | MULN 472B
Topic: Introduction to Caiasoft
Matthew Kelly and Kelvin Summerville will provide an introduction and overview of Caiasoft – the new inventory software that will be used to keep track of our items in Maggie (the new library storage facility).
Thursday | June 21 | 10:30 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. | MULN 472B
Topic: Mental Health Awareness for Library Employees
Julia Conroy will provide an overview of mental health issues from a library perspective. The presentation will include educative awareness of mental health issues and relevant application, such as de-escalation techniques and available campus resources.
Thursday | July 5 | 10:30 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. | MULN 472B
Topic: New Patron Applications 
Sherryl Faulkner-Robinson review what service desk personnel need to know about patron applications for library privileges, and for those in User Services, review how to set up a new patron account. 
Thursday | July 19 | 10:00 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. | MULN 472B
Topic: Customer Service Basics and Understanding the Reference Interview
Kathleen Lehman will review the basic ideas for providing good customer service and for using a “reference interview” to ensure we provide the patrons with the information that they truly seek.
Conference News
Mary Leverance attended the ALCTS Midwinter Symposium “Empowering Access and Ensuring Accessibility: Connecting People to Information and Collections.” How can libraries empower access and ensure accessibility for everyone? You can read the report she wrote for ALCTS News about the event, and learn about projects and ideas librarians are working on and developing. Detailed speaker bios are available for reference.
Sustainability Tip of the Week
6 Things You’re Recycling Wrong: Disposable coffee cups, plastic bags, and yogurt containers—oh my! Check out the article for the other three items, and for tips on the best way to approach recycling them.
Out-of-Office Notices
Need Anything, Please Contact (479-575-XXXX)
Necia Parker-Gibson
Please call the research desk. 
Mary Leverance
6/18-11 and 6/18-22
Diane Baker, dabaker@uark.edu, 5-5512
Joshua Youngblood
Trent Garner
David Boddie, dboddie@uark.edu, 5-5418