Tuesday Times
April 23, 2019

 Send your news to Kelsey Lovewell Lippard by 5:00 p.m. on Mondays! View each week’s TuesdayTimes on the Libraries’ blog, 365 McIlroy

 Registration for ALPS InfoBits 2019 is Open!
ALPS InfoBits 2019 – Friday, May 17 @ Garland County Library, Hot Springs

The Arkansas Library Paraprofessionals annual InfoBits event is an opportunity for paraprofessionals from across the state to come together to network and learn together. This year’s topics include working with student workers, challenging patrons, using Google, and more! On Thursday, May 16 at 6 PM ALPS will hold a pre-InfoBits Networking event, Painting & Pizza. ALPS Historian Stewart Fuell will be leading the painting portion of the event. Both events are FREE and open to all however, registration is required. Please send completed registration forms or questions to dschrier@uark.edu.

Honors Thesis Open House Today and Tomorrow
All honors students are encouraged to attend an open house in GEAR 258 for hands-on assistance with submitting their theses to our institutional repository, ScholarWorks@UARK. 

Tuesday, April 23 from 2-4 p.m. 

Wednesday, April 24 from 10 a.m. to noon 

 Congratulations, Melody! 
Melody Herr, head of the Office for Scholarly Communications, has accepted a 2-year appointment to the ACRL Publications Coordinating Committee. Well done! 

 Art of the Book Panel Discussion Thursday
Join the University Libraries’ Special Collections department for a panel discussion titled Through the Looking Glass: The Art of Creating Books from 4-5 p.m. Thursday, April 25. This event is open to the public and offered at no cost to attendees. 

Panelists for the event include Gustav Carlson, a graphic novelist who will discuss the art of creating graphic novels. Sean Morrisey, head of Printmaking at the University of Arkansas School of Art, will discuss the creation of artists’ books. Laura Terry, associate professor for the Fay Jones School of Architecture + Design, will discuss why the structure of a book matters and how form and content work together synergistically. 

Breakfast With Your Library Friday
The Physics Library will host a Breakfast With Your Library event this Friday, April 26, from 9:30-10:30 a.m. in the Physics Library (PHYS 221). Faculty, staff, graduate students and library personnel are invited to attend. 

Text and Data Mining Workshops April 25-26

Text Mining & Data Analysis Workshop (MULN 102)

Faculty and researchers are invited to collaborate with the University Libraries and ProQuest to select the corpus of information resources and discuss pedagogy and case studies. The TDM Toolkit is designed for teaching and learning and is great for introducing large-scale Text and Data Mining techniques to students and researchers. Students and instructors can use the graphical user interface for TDM without needing to write coding scripts. The TDM Toolkit aims to address the demand for data literacy skills across disciplines, providing a foundation to advance student research activities. If you’d like to attend, please choose a date below and register:

Thursday, April 25, 10 – 11:30 a.m.  https://uark.libcal.com/calendar/mullins/tdm_toolkit_d1 

Friday, April 26, 10 – 11:30 a.m.  https://uark.libcal.com/calendar/mullins/tdm_toolkit_d2   

Lunch & Learn – Text Mining & Data Analysis (ARKU 510-511)

Please join the University of Libraries and ProQuest for lunch and discussion about the future of Text and Data Mining (TDM) services at the University of Arkansas.  The University Libraries has partnered with ProQuest to pilot the Text and Data Mining Toolkit and Studio for Advanced Users.  The TDM Toolkit is designed for teaching and learning and is great for introducing large-scale Text and Data Mining techniques to students, librarians, and researchers. Students and instructors can use the graphical user interface for TDM without needing to write coding scripts.  The TDM Toolkit aims to address the demand for data literacy skills across disciplines, providing a foundation to advance with student research activities.  The Text and Data Mining Studio for Advanced Users is geared towards advanced researchers, librarians, and students who already know the basics of data mining and programming.  Studio for Advanced Users provides researchers an environment with access to ProQuest’s content on which researchers can run their own Python and R scripts. If you’d like to attend, please choose a date below and register:

Thursday, April 25, 12 – 1 p.m. https://uark.libcal.com/calendar/mullins/tdm_lunch_25 

Friday, April 26, 12 – 1 p.m.  https://uark.libcal.com/calendar/mullins/tdm_lunch_26 

Text Mining & Data Analysis Workshop (MULN 102)  

ProQuest and the University Libraries invite experienced faculty and researchers to collaborate on potential projects and corpus selection for the Studio environment. The Studio environment is geared toward advanced researchers who already know the basics of data mining and programming. The workshop provides researchers an environment with access to ProQuest’s content on which they can run their own Python and R scripts. If you’d like to attend, please choose a date below and register:

Thursday, April 25, 2 – 3:30 p.m.   https://uark.libcal.com/calendar/mullins/tdm_studio_d1 

Friday, April 26, 2 – 3:30 p.m.  https://uark.libcal.com/calendar/mullins/tdm_studio_d2 

Family History Preservation Webinars
Preservation Week is April 21-27, and this year’s theme is “Preserving Your Family History.” Join us for a webinar to learn more about preserving history through storytelling, and implementing basic archival care for items like documents and photos. Kenyatta D. Berry, host of the PBS show Genealogy Roadshow, is Preservation Week honorary chair and a webinar presenter.

Thursday, 4/25 | 1 – 2 p.m. | MULN 302B | Caring for Family Keepsakes

Distinguished Lecture Series: Arkansas Women in Politics with guest Dr. Janine Parry
Join the Washington County Historical Society at 3:30 p.m. Sunday, April 28 at the Winslow Branch Library (351 Highway 71) for an event commemorating the 100thanniversary of the passing of the 19thamendment. Parry will present “The Nice Lady of Arkansas Politics: Virginia Johnson and the 1968 Governor’s Race,” and materials from the Maud Duncan Papers will be on display. Local music and refreshments will be provided. Free and open to the public. 

Way to go, Tony! 
The Taylor & Francis Routledge Books Division is reissuing four of Tony Stankus’ books that had gone out of print, and will also be making them part of an encyclopedic series of works in librarianship: 

Biographies of Scientists for Sci-Tech Libraries, 1991

ScienceLibrarianship at America’s Liberal Arts Colleges, 1992

Scientific Journals: Improving Library Collections Through Analysis of Publishing Trends, 1990

Scientific Journals: Issues in Library Selection and Management, 1987

This will not cost the Libraries one cent in acquisitions because all four of these treasures are already being securely held in the annex. 

Walton College Beahvioral Business Research Lab
The Behavioral Business Research Laboratories offer exciting opportunities for students to participate in a diverse range of paid academic research. Please encourage any students you know who may be interested to register for their subject pool. 

Research and Publication Basics (ALCTS Five-Part Webinar Series)
All sessions will be held in Room 302B from 1:00-2:00:
Wednesday, May 8, 2019 – Communicating Impact Using Data Visualization
For more information about the series, please visit: http://www.ala.org/alcts/confevents/upcoming/webinar/researchbasics

 Sustainability Tips 
The Drawdown Conference 2019 is set for this Saturday, April 27 at 2925 N. Old Missouri Rd. in Fayetteville. The conference focuses on actions individuals and groups can take to minimize climate change and is based on the book Drawdown by Paul Hawken. 

Out-of-Office Notices

Name Date Contact
Tess Gibson 4/11-5/2 Robin Roggio, 5-5311, rroggio@uark.edu or Christina Rhoades, 5-6424, crm005@uark.edu
Martha Anderson 4/28-5/1  
Melody Herr 4/28-5/2 Cedar Middleton, 5-2041, ccmiddle@uark.edu


Calendar of Libraries’ Events – mark your personal calendars!

Date Event
4/23-24 Honors Thesis Open House, GEAR 258
4/25 TDM Workshop, 10 AM, MULN 102
4/25 TDM Lunch & Learn, 12 PM, ARKU 510-511
4/25 Caring for Family Keepsakes webinar, 1 PM, MULN 302B 
4/25 TDM Advanced Workshop, 2 PM, MULN 102
4/25 The Art of Creating Books, 4 PM, MULN 130  
4/26 Breakfast With Your Library, 9:30 AM, PHYS 221
4/26 TDM Workshop, 10 AM, MULN 102
4/26 TDM Lunch & Learn, 12 PM, ARKU 510-511
4/26 TDM Advanced Workshop, 2 PM, MULN 102
4/28 Arkansas Women in Politics, 3:30 PM, Winslow Branch Library
5/8 Data Visualization Webinar, 1 PM, MULN 302B
5/9 Last Day of Classes