Tuesday Times

August 27, 2019

Send your news to Kelsey Lovewell Lippard by 5:00 p.m. on Mondays! View each week’s Tuesday Times on the Libraries’ blog, 365 McIlroy


Welcome, Dean Clark! 



Short Bio: I grew up wanting to be an astronaut, but I stunk at math (seriously bad) so I ended up going to music school, then library school. I’m married to the former Elizabeth Chapman, she’s pianist/teacher – we started dating at 18 and married at 21– and we have two sons, Harrison (20) and Matthew (16).


3 Weird Questions:


1.     What book are you currently reading?

In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. I’m trying to read more of the 20th-century “classics” of American literature. I also have soft spot for spy thrillers – that’s my go-to vacation and airplane reading.


2.     If you could close your eyes and be anywhere on Earth when they open, where would you be? 

London, England. I was fortunate to spend a semester there in college and have been back a few times since. We even convinced Elizabeth’s parents to send us there for a honeymoon rather than having a big wedding!


3.     What’s the best live entertainment you’ve ever seen? 

This will be a bit corny, but true. I grew up in Montgomery, AL, which, like Fayetteville, has a terrific theatre scene – The Alabama Shakespeare Festival. From 13 or 14 on, my Dad would take me once a year, always to see Shakespeare. It was terrific for a kid raised on college football and sitcoms to see live theatre at that level. I remember it so vividly, but also having that time with my Dad (who has passed on) makes it more precious every passing year.


I think libraries hold an amazing place in society, with roles from being the “people’s university” to stewards of the most exciting artifacts and documents from history. We have a unique responsibility in the preservation of society’s knowledge, and that’s a role about which we must be ever vigilant and one I take seriously. Libraries at UArk are in a terrific place – we’re well regarded on campus thanks to years of strong advocacy but are also ready to partner with the entire university moving forward.


Be sure to stop by MULN 206 and say hello! Dean Clark can also be reached at dennisc@uark.edu or 575-6702.


New Employee Welcome and Orientation

The Libraries will host a New Employee Welcome and Orientation event from 3:30-5 p.m. next Wed., Sept. 4 in Mullins Library. All employees new to the Libraries are encouraged to attend. The event will begin with tours, and attendees will get an overview of Libraries spaces and services. An ice cream social will take place after the tours, during which Libraries administration will give remarks.


Latinx on the Rise

Libraries students are encouraged to apply for Latinx on the Rise, an NWA Hispanic Leadership Council program to develop the next generation of community leaders. Our own Martha Anderson serves as a member, and Fulbright professor Luis Restrepo co-chairs the mentoring committee. Apply by Sept. 2.


Shout Out (n.) Informal. A message of appreciation, congratulation or support. 

Melody Herr and Mandi Smith give a shout out to Laura Cameron for rejuvenating the children and young adult collection. The new arrangement makes it easy to find just the right books.


Out-of-Office Notices

Name Date Contact



Calendar of Libraries’ Events – mark your personal calendars!

Date Event
9/4 New Employee Orientation, 3:30 PM, Staff Lounge