Tuesday Times

February 4, 2020


Send your news to Kelsey Lovewell Lippard by 5:00 p.m. on Mondays! View each week’s TuesdayTimeson the Libraries’ blog, 365 McIlroy


Love Data Week Event 

Lora Lennertz will present Data Dabbling: How to Lie with Data next Thursday, Feb. 13, from 2-3 p.m. in MULN 102. The workshop will focus on best practices in ethically representing data and how to identify inaccurate and misleading representations of data. A “charty” activity will follow from 3-3:30!


Graduate Student Speaker Series

Tonight at 5 in MULN 130, graduate student Sam Ownbey will present The State of Arkansas vs. Tee Davis: Race, Politics and Publicity.


Mingus Dynasty Quartet Free Concert

The public is invited to join the Libraries and Department of Music for a night of free jazz music with the Mingus Dynasty Quartet in honor of the late John Stubblefield at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 6, in the Jim and Joyce Faulkner Performing Arts Center.


Libraries Are For Everyone

The Multimedia Department will be working alongside the Library and University to represent heritage months throughout 2020.  We will have items from the Multimedia Collection (DVD’s, CD’s, etc.) on display behind the multimedia desk. The status of the materials will show “ON DISPLAY” and patrons can check them out. Thank you for all the help and support as we start this new adventure!


Shout Out (n.) informal. A message of congratulation, support or appreciation. 

Olivia Wood gives a shout out to Stephanie Guenther and Terry Wynn for their help with course reserves last week. I was out all week with the flu and Stephanie, our new Multimedia supervisor and very new to course reserves, and Terry, the back bone of User Services since he seems to know every facet of everything everyone does in this large department, really stepped up to keep the books moving out onto the shelves and not creating a huge backlog of work for me to try and catch up on. They are tremendously appreciated.


Out-of-Office Notices


Name Date Contact
Lynaire Hartsell 2//3-7 Kathleen Lehman, kalehman@uark.edu, 5-7048



Calendar of Libraries’ Events – mark your personal calendars!


Date Event
2/4 Graduate Student Speaker Series, 5 PM, MULN 130
2/6 Mingus Dynasty Quartet, 7:30 PM, Faulkner PAC
2/13 Data Dabbling, 2 PM, MULN 102