Tuesday Times

February 11, 2020


Send your news to Kelsey Lovewell Lippard by 5:00 p.m. on Mondays! View each week’s TuesdayTimes on the Libraries’ blog, 365 McIlroy


Congratulations, Martha! 

The Association of Research Libraries has selected Martha Anderson as a fellow for the 2020-2021 Leadership and Career Development Program. “The ARL LCDP addresses the need for greater representation of people of color in leadership of research libraries and archives. Moreover, the program is building a broader community of career coaches and mentors, supervisors, directors, and other champions of the program with greater cultural proficiency and deeper understanding of the systemic barriers to creating authentically inclusive environments.” Congratulations on getting in to this highly competitive program, Martha!


Love Data Week Event 

Lora Lennertz will present Data Dabbling: How to Lie with Data Thursday, Feb. 13, from 2-3 p.m. in MULN 102. The workshop will focus on best practices in ethically representing data and how to identify inaccurate and misleading representations of data. A “charty” activity will follow from 3-3:30!


Shout Out (n.) informal. A message of congratulation, support or appreciation. 

Beth Juhl and Kelsey Lovewell send a shout out to Lora Lennertz, who took the Study Spaces project and ran with it!  See the first generation of Study Spaces map linked here: https://uark.libanswers.com/faq/282365


Keep your eyes peeled for more GIS goodness in the future as Lora and colleagues continue to scout and add spaces elsewhere on campus.


Out-of-Office Notices


Name Date Contact
Lynaire Hartsell 2/20-24 Kathleen Lehman, kalehman@uark.edu, 5-7048
Melody Herr 2/19-22 Cedar Middleton, ccmiddle@uark.edu, 5-2041



Calendar of Libraries’ Events – mark your personal calendars!


Date Event
2/13 Data Dabbling, 2 PM, MULN 102