Tuesday Times

February 25, 2020


Send your news to Kelsey Lovewell Lippard by 5:00 p.m. on Mondays! View each week’s Tuesday Times on the Libraries’ blog, 365 McIlroy



Congratulations, Martha! 

Martha Anderson has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the Latino Alumni Society. The Board meets 6-8 times per year and plans the society’s graduation celebrations, Meritos Latinos, at the end of each semester. Felicidades!
Recently Released Collections
Two new collections are now available in Special Collections: 
The University of Arkansas Asian Studies Records  collection (MC 2445.UA) contains lesson plans from Asian Studies summer workshops from the 1990s.
The Gordon Morgan Papers collection (MC 1844) documents the career of Sociology professor Gordon Morgan, the first African American professor at the U of A.

Open Education Week 2020

Join Elaine Thornton and the University of Arkansas OER Team in celebrating Open Ed Week! All Libraries personnel are welcome to attend events planned for March 3 and 5.

To Labor for Justice: Arkansas and Socialism
The Graduate Student Speaker Series continues this semester with Samuel Binns, a second-year graduate assistant in English and a Master of Fine Arts candidate in creative writing. Binns will present To Labor for Justice: Arkansas and Socialism at 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 4, in Mullins Library Room 130.
Tune up your LibGuides with March Madness: LibGuides Edition

All sessions will be in Mullins 220Q (in the reference office complex) and attendance is limited to 10, so please use the registration links to sign up. Please bring a tablet or laptop if you want to follow along. We’ll offer a series of three sessions (each repeated once) covering these topics:
LibGuides and Accessibility: making your guides work for all
10:30 – 11:30 a.m., Wednesday, March 4
3:30 – 4:30 p.m., Thursday, March 5
LibGuides and Sustainability: reducing, reusing, and recycling content
10:30 – 11:30 a.m., Wednesday, March 11
 3:30 – 4:30 p.m., Thursday, March 12
Maintaining your Guides: keeping content correct and current after publication
10:30 – 11:30 a.m., Wednesday, March 18
3:30 – 4:30 p.m., Thursday, March 19



March Madness II

To continue the theme of staff training, Lora Lennertz will be hosting the following Data in Libraries webinars.


Data in Libraries: Data Basics and The Reference Interview – March 4

MULN 104 – 12:00 – 1:00 pm

As the world embraces data, so must librarians. Increasingly librarians are facing reference interactions that necessitate or would be enhanced by, a foundational understanding of data. This webinar will serve as an introduction to the data reference interview, the advantages and issues involved in using data in a reference transaction, and how to approach issues of data literacy and validity. Some of the questions to be addressed include: How is conducting a data reference interview similar and different from a traditional reference interview? What are the primary elements to look out for when consulting documentation? How do I know if the data is reliable and valid?

Data in Libraries: Open Data – March 18

MULN 102 – 12:00 – 1:00 pm

Looking for big datasets for free? The U.S. Federal Government has been providing access to their statistical data for years, even before the Internet ever existed. Why? How do we get to the data? Will we always have access? Who has the best statistics? Why are other organizations now giving their numbers away for free also? Learn about where open data and statistics come from, ways to find, and issues on how to keep it coming along with where to join discussions and stay aware of developments in creating, access, retrieval, articulation, presentation, publishing, and curation of data and statistics.

Data in Libraries: Data Processing and Visualization- March 25

MULN 102 – 12:00 – 1:00 pm

The world is becoming data-driven as business, academia, and the media embrace the analysis and visualization of data in their day-to-day activities. As a result, library patrons now need not only help finding facts and figures, but help with turning that raw data into analysis and presentation. This webinar will describe and discuss data services for libraries, with a particular focus on the data visualization techniques and tools that are transforming how we analyze and understand our world.

Data in Libraries: Understanding and Working with APIs- April 15

MULN 102 – 12:00 – 1:00 pm

As our world becomes increasingly mediated by computer, Application Program Interfaces (APIs) have become critical components in sustaining the flow of electronic data between providers and consumers. As you’ve helped members of your library community find and use data, you’ve likely seen references to APIs as a means of accessing or interacting with data. But what exactly is an API and why should librarians care? This webinar will explain the concept of an API, illustrate how APIs work and why they’re useful, and introduce tools and methods for using APIs to gather data.

What’s up with OpenAthens?

Come learn about our new remote authentication method and how links are a ‘ changin.  There will be two informal sessions – both in 220Q in the Reference offices. Space is limited so please sign up in advance; if needed, more sessions will be scheduled.

10:30 – 11:30 a.m., Wednesday, February 26

Sign up at https://uark.libcal.com/event/6506109

3:30 – 4:30 p.m., Thursday, February 27

Sign up at https://uark.libcal.com/event/6506127

Research Week 2020

This year’s University of Arkansas Research Week is set for March 30 – April 3. Several events will be hosted in Mullins 102, and presentations will be given by our own Kara Flynn, Melanie Griffin, Melody Herr, Lora Lennertz and Luti Salisbury. Keep an eye out for more details coming soon!


Out-of-Office Notices


Name Date Contact
Drew Beisswenger 2/24-28 Deb Kulczak, dkulczak@uark.edu, 5-4811