Tuesday Times
October 6, 2020
Send your news to Kelsey Lovewell Lippard by 5:00 p.m. on Mondays.
Murder Hornets
The Oct. 2 issue of Science News reports on the surprising spread of the invasive Asian Giant murder hornets in the US. Fortunately, U of A research written up by Tony Stankus has been on top of this story since Aug. 5 in the journal Science & Technology Libraries!
A Confederate Star: Arkansas’ Flag and the Lost Cause
Join Special Collections and Department of History doctoral candidates Airic Hughes, Will Teague and Marie Totten for the panel presentation “A Confederate Star: Arkansas’ Flag and the Lost Cause” Thursday, Oct. 15 from 4-5 p.m. on Zoom. This event is free and open to the public, and registration is required.
United Way
The U of A’s annual United Way campaign will run throughout October. This year’s campaign, with the theme “Now More Than Ever,” has a goal of raising $100,000 to help children and families in need. All campaign donations go to the United Way of NWA, and 98 percent of that money goes directly to local programs.
Shout Out (n.) informal. A message of support, appreciation or congratulation.
Tony Stankus gives a shout out to Luti Salisbury for her virtual presentation “Scopus CiteScore or Clarivate” at the Special Libraries Association’s virtual annual conference yesterday. It was a smash hit – extremely informative and professionally done.