Tuesday Times
March 23, 2021
Send your news to Kelsey Lovewell Lippard by 5:00 p.m. on Mondays.
Woo Pig Welcome!
Lauren Willette, our new Folk Arts Survey Coordinator, is interviewing Arkansas’ artists, tradition bearers and organizations to create a network of support for folk arts in the state. You can reach her at willette@uark.edu.
Let’s Get You Published
Students, faculty and staff now have an opportunity to publish articles in open access journals without paying an article processing charge, thanks to a new “read and publish” agreement between the Libraries and Cambridge University Press.
Honors Thesis Open House
Do you work with honors students or the faculty who teach them? Those groups need to know about the upcoming Honors Thesis Open House! Please help us spread the word about these virtual Q&A sessions: on Facebook April 5 and 13, and on Twitter April 8 and 14.
Undergraduate Research Week
Be sure to let your undergrad students know that abstracts for the U of A’s Undergraduate Research Week Poster Competition are due by 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, March 31!
Reminder: Scholarly Metrics Workshops
In these sessions, set for March 25 and April 6, participants will learn how to identify peer-reviewers, show the impact of their scholarly activities, identify potential collaborators and compare the productivity of a departmental faculty in peer or aspirant institutions.
Reminder: Come as You Arkansas
Submit your ideas for the campus-wide sesquicentennial event Come as You Arkansas by April 1. Have a Libraries-specific idea? Email Rachel Krest at rachel@uark.edu.
Library Awards
It’s time for Library Employee Awards! Please nominate your co-workers to receive an award and cash prize on National Library Workers’ Day (April 6). Nominations will be accepted through March 31.
Criteria for awards and categories: https://libraries.uark.edu/staffweb/awards/awardsdetails.asp
The virtual awards ceremony will take place at 2 p.m. April 6.