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Library Catalog Unavailable Briefly Tomorrow Morning, During Planned Upgrade
The Libraries’ catalog will be offline for planned system upgrades tomorrow, Jan. 6, from 7am to 9am. Other services affected during this maintenance include Index Arkansas, Find it!, ILLiad Interlibrary Loan system, and remote access to Libraries’ databases. Visit the “Down but Not Out” Libguide for workarounds, or use WorldCat Classic to find books in our collection.
Dibs! Reserve a Room Service Now Live
The Libraries’ latest online service aimed at making our resources and amenities easier to find and faster to navigate is now live. Dibs! Reserve a Room allows patrons (with a valid U of A log-in and ID) to reserve particular rooms within Mullins Library. An updated web page breaks it all down: the page describes each room, shows users which rooms can be booked by them, and links them to the Dibs! service through the UARK Central Login. Instructions for the service are available at our FAQ page. Other online services include: Interlibrary Loan, (including GWLA’s Borrow It Now and the RazorRush Document Delivery Service), Open Session sign up, Electronic Course Reserves, and the Digital Collections landing page.
Staff Senate Now Accepting Nominations for Outstanding Team Award
Stephanie Freedle reports that Staff Senate is now accepting nominations for the Outstanding Team Award. Eligible teams will be comprised of University of Arkansas, Fayetteville staff employees who are 100% appointed. Team members may be classified, non-classified, or a combination of both who have worked together to promote the mission of the University of Arkansas. They may be employed in the same organizational unit or members of a committee or special task force. The winning team receives $2500. Nominations are due January 15. Visit the Staff Senate website for additional information.
New Security Officers on Campus and Around Mullins
UAPD has instituted a security division within their department to help train people to be police officers. You might see one or two security officers around Mullins throughout the day, evening, and even late at night. They will be wearing uniforms (white shirt with a security patch and black pants), they will have a radio connecting them to police officers, and they will soon be trained to use pepper spray. The security officers will not be carrying guns or be able to arrest people. UAPD is providing this service at no cost to departments.
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Reminders and Such:
- Test the Remodeled Catalog Interface!: Beth Juhl and Dylan Hurd invite you to test drive the new library catalog interface and let them know what you think. Take the staff survey to provide feedback. The new look is still in development and changing every day, thanks to your comments and suggestions. Looks great, Web Services, thank you! (urls in case you need to copy/paste à catalog: http://library.uark.edu:2082/ and survey: http://tinyurl.com/CatalogSurvey2015)
- Get Involved with #1Lib1Ref for Wikipedia’s Birthday: Wikipedia is celebrating its 15th birthday on Friday, 1/15. They want to invite every librarian in the world to add one reference to any Wikipedia article during their #1Lib1Ref event. Get involved in advance of the event by visiting the
- Welcome Back: Happy New Year! 2016 is already getting off to a fast and furious start, but I could always use your input. Please feel free to contact the PR office if you have any ideas, suggestions, or contributions to 2016’s social media content, blog posts, RISE images, or book displays. Your feedback and creativity are very much appreciated!
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Out of Office Notices
Name | Will be Out | Need Anything, Please Contact (479-575-XXXX) |
Trent Garner | 1/4-1/8 | LibIT, 5-7990 |
Phil Jones | 1/11-1/15 | Gale Golden, 5-3499 |
Calendar of Libraries’ Events – Mark Your Personal Calendars!
Date | Event |
Through 1/10 | Arkansas Union (including restaurants and UREC) CLOSED |
1/6 | Upgrade to Sierra 2.3 (catalog offline from 7am-9am) |
1/14 | PeopleAdmin 7 Training w/ HR’s Shannon Phillips, 10:30am, MULN 102 |
1/15 | #1Lib1Ref Event for Wikipedia’s Birthday |