Fair Use Week Graphic

Portrait of Rachel Paul. Paul is the Supervisor in the Performing Arts and Media department for the University of Arkansas Libraries.Rachel Paul Helps Libraries Celebrate #FairUseWeek2016
Coordinated by the Association of Research Libraries, Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week 2016 highlights the important role fair use plays in achieving the Constitutional purpose of intellectual property rights in the US: to promote the progress of science and the useful arts. Find out more about Fair Use and why it is important to YOU by reading Rachel Paul’s 365 McIlroy post. Paul is the Performing Arts and Media Supervisor and she catalogs and maintains the digital repository of institutional concert recordings for the University of Arkansas Department of Music. Great work, Rachel!

Project Ferrari Makes ACRL’s Instruction Section Newsletter
Project Ferrari is a mobile instruction unit of 12 iPads and a MacBook Air on a protective cart to help facilitate active learning.  The excellent LibGuide, created by team members Michelle Gibeault, English and Communication Librarian, and Necia Parker-Gibson, Plant Sciences, Environmental Sciences, and Human Environmental Sciences Librarian, provides notes and suggestions for using the mobile unit for instruction. The LibGuide, and research about the project, made the IS Newsletter this Winter. IS quotes Gibeault’s article “Using iPads to Facilitate Library Instruction Sessions in a SCALE-UP Classroom” to state that “researchers found that the iPad seemed to enhance student focus, lessen distractions, and support collaborative learning.” Hats off to Roy Hatcher for lending tech support on this project, and hats off to the whole team!

Photo of Tony Stankus's ShelfieStankus Becomes Expert Editor for the Journal of Solid Waste Technology & Management
Tony Stankus, Life Sciences Librarian, has accepted an invitation from the Journal of Solid Waste Technology & Management to become a subject expert editor in the area of turning food wastes into biofuels through the action of anaerobic microbes. This peer-reviewed, international journal is published by the Philadelphia-based Widener University School of Engineering. Stankus was initially reluctant to accept this appointment because he is trying to reverse his longstanding habit of turning food into waist. But he was reassured by the Editor-in-Chief that instead, a search of the scientific literature disclosed that Stankus’s articles in Science & Technology Libraries were downloaded 231 times since 2014, and his work has been recently cited by cheese processing scientists from the Universidade da Coruña in Microbial Cell Factories. Stankus says that whatever expertise he has on this topic has solely been gained by working with the UofA’s Biological and Food Sciences Faculty. Even still, way to go, Tony!

Registration Now Available for 2016 ALPS Conference
Lynaire Hartsell reports that registration is now open for the 2016 Arkansas Library Paraprofessionals Spring Conference, to be held May 18-20 in Hot Springs. Please reach out to Hartsell if you have any questions or would like a copy of the registration form. The form is also posted on the bulletin board by the Mullins’ Staff Lounge. The registration deadline is April 30. Thanks, Lynaire!

List of languages in catalogThe Library Catalog: Locating Your Language
Did you know that the library catalog contains records for almost 2 million titles in more than 200 different languages? Expanded language options allow users to limit search results to the 30 most popular languages in the Libraries’ collections. Some of the new options for language limiters include Nepali, Farsi (Persian), Urdu, Hindi, and Middle French. Check out Beth Juhl’s latest Database News blog for more information on how to use the language limits. Thank you, Beth!

Elena Foulis, portraitDigital Storytelling / Oral Histories Presentation at Mullins Library
Dr. Elena Foulis will speak on “Latin@ Stories Across Ohio: Oral History in the Digital Era,” at 3:30pm on Thursday, March 3, in the Walton Reading Room in Mullins Library. Foulis will discuss how she draws on traditional elements of oral history methodology to collect historias from Hispanic and Latino Americans and provide practical information about how to reach out to traditionally underrepresented groups, how to collect and archive oral histories, and how to use digital story-telling and interactive cultural components – like maps, videos, links, and glossaries – to engage readers and provide context. There is a reception a 3pm in the Walton Reading Room. “Latin@ Stories Across Ohio: Oral History in the Digital Era” is part of the University Libraries’ Latino Americans: 500 Years of History programming.

Reminders and Such:

  • Check out Joshua Youngblood’s 365 McIlroy postCelebrating Black History Month with the Ozark Folksong Collection” to link to fascinating audio clips and other materials, plus receive fresh perspective and insight into the collection, in celebration of Black History.
  • Early Voting Underway for the March 1, 2016 Preferential Primary and Nonpartisan Judicial General Election at 6 locations in Washington County.
  • Libraries Host Creator of Because of Them, We Can: An Evening with Eunique Jones Gibson is Thursday, 2/25, at 6:30pm in the Walton Reading Room.
  • Lives Transformed: the People of Southland College is now on view in Mullins Library’s Walton Reading Room. Curated and designed by Special Collections’ exhibit committee, the exhibit features materials from the Southland College Papers (MC 577).
  • Najee Dorsey’s Remixed: Something Ole, Sum Nu Roux is now on view in Mullins Library through March. Check out the online gallery for more info, and tag #najeeremixed on social media to let us know which pieces are your favorites.

Out of Office Notices

Name Will be Out Need Anything, Please Contact (479-575-XXXX)
Patricia Kirkwood From 1/29 Richard Sakul, 5-2480 / Lora Lennertz, 5-5545
Phillip J. Jones 3/8-3/11 Gale Golden, 5-3499
Debra Cheval 3/16-3/21 Brian Curtis, 5-3808 / Renee Rogers, 5-3538
Gale Golden 3/24-3/29 Phil Jones, 5-3081

Calendar of Libraries’ Events – Mark Your Personal Calendars!

Date Event
2/24 Save the Date: Serials Librarian candidate interviews
2/25 An Evening with Eunique Jones Gibson, 6:30pm, Walton Reading Room
2/26 AAST Touring Students from Asbell Elementary, 9am, Mullins Library
2/26 Save the Date: Serials Librarian candidate interviews
3/1 ALA’s diversity research grant applications due
3/3 The Libraries Welcome Elena Foulis, 3-5pm, Walton Reading Room
4/1 2016 Small Works on Paper on View in Mullins (through April)
5/19 Staff Appreciation Picnic, 11:30-1:00pm at Donald W. Reynolds Stadium