Parker-Gibson’s Latest Science Review Now Available
Necia Parker-Gibson’s “Reviews of Science for Science Librarians: Toujours, Amur! Bush Honeysuckles: Introduced, Alien, or Invasive?” is now available from Science & Technology Libraries. The “bush honeysuckles, including Lonicera maackii, have been promulgated as horticultural prizewinners, publicized as horticultural plunderers, and occupied every step in between. Fast-spreading, relatively agnostic in terms of growing conditions, and showy, its fixed position as a decorative plant has become the root of a larger challenge.” This article explores the extensive literature surrounding the sweet-smelling shrub. Read the full article online. Great work, Necia!
Geology Rocks: Access to High-Quality Rocks and Minerals Specimens Now Provided by University Libraries
Jozef Laincz and Rachel Linck report the launch of the Libraries’ rock and mineral collection, which consists of four sets each of rocks and minerals (refresher: a mineral is the pure stuff with a definite chemical formula; a rock is an aggregate of minerals). The sets can be checked from Course Reserves in Mullins and primarily serve the needs of General Geology Laboratory, an undergraduate course with typical enrollment of about 600 students. Students can now practice identifying rocks and minerals – the focus of the first half of this challenging course – in the pleasant atmosphere of Mullins, with greater flexibility in study times. Before the launch, students were limited to practicing during lab sessions, in the crowded “rock room” in Gearhart Hall, or by using poor-quality specimens from individually purchased kits. Over the next few months, Laincz, Linck, and the circulation staff, will monitor the use of the sets to optimize the service. Laincz thanks the Geosciences Department, especially the head Graduate Assistant Chelsea Whetstine, for providing the rock and mineral specimens for the sets. Thanks also to Cole Davis for the excellent photo. And thanks to Jozef for the great news!
Nominations for National Library Workers’ Day AWARDS Now Open
Chair of the Libraries’ Awards Committee, Micah Hampton from Interlibrary Loan, reports that it’s time for University Libraries Employee Awards! NOW is the time to nominate your co-workers to receive an award and cash prize for National Library Workers’ Day. You can find criteria for awards and the nomination form on StaffWeb. Nominations will be accepted ONLY through March 15, so get on it! Awards include: Rookie of the Year Award, Extra Mile Award, Keystone Award, Outstanding Support Service Award, and Team Project Award. If you have questions, please talk to any of the members of the awards committee: Micah Hampton, Vera Ekechukwu, Bridget Penrose, Jozef Laincz, and Tim Zou. Thank you, Micah!
Reminders and Such:
- Registration Now Available for 2016 ALPS Conference: Lynaire Hartsell reports that registration is now open for the 2016 Arkansas Library Paraprofessionals Spring Conference, to be held May 18-20 in Hot Springs. The registration deadline is April 30.
- Digital Storytelling / Oral Histories Presentation: Elena Foulis will speak on “Latin@ Stories Across Ohio: Oral History in the Digital Era,” at 3:30pm on Thursday, March 3, in the Walton Reading Room in Mullins Library.
- Please remember to COPY the person or people who are serving as your back-ups in your out-of-office emails to me. It serves as not only an excellent last minute confirmation for you all, but also a handy way for me to procure the contact info that I add to each entry. Thank you!
Out of Office Notices
Name | Will be Out | Need Anything, Please Contact (479-575-XXXX) |
Phillip J. Jones | 3/8-3/11 | Gale Golden, 5-3499 |
Debra Cheval | 3/16-3/21 | Brian Curtis, 5-3808 / Renee Rogers, 5-3538 |
Gale Golden | 3/24-3/29 | Aiden Guzman, 5-4708 (3/24) / Phil Jones, 5-3081 (3/28-3/29) |
Calendar of Libraries’ Events – Mark Your Personal Calendars!
Date | Event |
3/1 | ALA’s diversity research grant applications due |
3/3 | The Libraries Welcome Elena Foulis, 3-5pm, Walton Reading Room |
3/15 | NLWD Awards Nominations DUE! |
4/1 | 2016 Small Works on Paper on View in Mullins (through April) |
5/19 | Staff Appreciation Picnic, 11:30-1:00pm at Donald W. Reynolds Stadium |
Webinar Schedule
Date | Event |
3/2 | Environmental Monitoring and Control, 1-2pm, MULN 486 |
3/9 | Care and Handling of Books and Scrapbooks, 1-2pm, MULN 486 |
3/15 | Motivating Student Research in Gov’t Info: From K to Infinity, 1-2pm, MULN 472B |
3/16 | The GAO: What We Do, Why, and How to Find It, 1-2pm, MULN 472B |
3/16 | Preserving Digital Collections: An Overview, 1-2pm, MULN 486 |
3/22 | The Nat’l Ag Library: Ag Info for the 21st Century, 1-2pm, MULN 102 |
3/24 | Guide to Trade Data 2 –Resources of US Int’l Trade Commission, 1-2pm, MULN 102 |