Martha Parker Earns Digital Archives Specialist Certificate
Martha Parker, Digital Services Librarian, successfully completed all requirements for the Society of American Archivists’ Digital Archives Specialist Certificate, including passing the comprehensive examination. SAA’s DAS program helps archivists better appraise, capture, preserve, and provide access to born-digital records. Congratulations, Martha!

Congratulations #UARK16 Graduates!
8 employees of the University Libraries are receiving degrees during Spring 2016 Commencement. Riley Jackson from FAL majored in Political Science and Middle Eastern Studies; Shang Khang from Circ majored in Biomedical Engineering; Maria Lopez-Solis from FAL majored in Biomedical Engineering; Kyle Phipps from FAL majored in Electrical Engineering; William Playford from PAM majored in French, International Relations, and European Studies; Ryan Rose from Digital Services majored in Geology; Richard Sakul in Instruction and Liaison Services is receiving his MS in Biological Engineering; and Tarvarius Smith from PAM majored in Financial Management and Investments. Head over to StaffWeb to learn more about our graduates and their future plans. Congrats you guys!

Historic Commencements Featured on UARK Homepage
Commencement photo from the Walter John Lemke Papers.Commence and Go Forth – University of Arkansas Commencement Speeches,” a digital collection of U of A commencement speeches by more than 40 speakers including Hubert Humphrey, Wilbur Mills, Brooks Hays, and Rodney Slater, is featured on the UARK Commencement 2016 landing page. Several quotes from a variety of speeches have been highlighted. The landing page also offers a schedule of live-stream links and ceremony times, in case you’d like to watch any of the 8 ceremonies happening this weekend from the comfort of your own electronic device. And watch social media light up this weekend over on the #UARK16 UARKLife page – tag your insta posts with #UARK16 to share them there.

Richard Sakul Offers RefWorks Instruction for Summer Session
Richard Sakul, our Engineering Graduate Assistant, will be teaching two RefWorks sessions in June. Please help direct summer students and researchers to BELL 2258 to learn about this powerful bibliographic management software – RefWorks allows researchers to save citations for books, articles, and other publications in a personal database, and then export the citations in hundreds of formats. Our faculty and staff offer walk-in sessions on various research tools and databases throughout the year.  No registration is required and the courses are free to all students. Visit the Libraries’ Instruction Page for more information.

Shout Out (n.) Informal. A message of congratulation, support, or appreciation.
“Thank you to everyone who helped out with stuffing goody bags on Dead Day! I know it meant a lot to our hourly and work-study employees and graduate assistants who are finishing up the semester and studying for their finals. The individuals who served on Operation GOODY BAG are: Jeremy Smith, Luti Salisbury, Martha Parker, Sarah Sarquist, Elsie Nguyen, Janell Prater, Ashley Mitchell, Cedar Middleton, Martha Guirl-Phillips, Nelson Gonzalves Shinnick, Beth Juhl, Brian Curtis. I would like to say a special thank you to Kathy and Elsie for setting everything  up (e.g., going to Wal-Mart and buying all of the items) and Dean Allen for paying for all of the treats!” –submitted by Jeff Banks. (This is a new, semi-regular feature for the Tuesday Times. Let your colleagues know how much you appreciate them by giving them a shout out in the next Tuesday Times.)

Reminders and Such:

  • The Summon Implementation Team Needs You: Voting closes today to name the Summon discovery search service. Please cast your vote – your ballot is available at the top of StaffWeb.
  • Did You Miss JCY’s CBW Post Last Week?: Joshua Youngblood highlighted some fascinating Special Collections resources last week in “Charles J. Finger and Children’s Book Week 2016” over on 365 McIlroy. CBW is the longest running literacy campaign in the country!
  • Whispers from Another Time in Mullins: photographs by Cathy D. Padgett are on view through July. For more information about Padgett and her work, please visit her website at Please direct questions or inquires to Martha Guirl-Phillips at 5-6702.
  • Parking Information: Parking regulations are enforced at all times, including on Dead Day and during final exams. Please check online for additional information about reduced Razorback Transit schedules during finals and summer. The last night for Safe Ride is 5/13.
  • Fiscal Year Ch-ch-ch-changes: The elimination of U of A’s Offset Printing begins July 1. The year-end calendar is in place. If you want input into what desktop computer you receive this summer, let Judy Ganson know your preferences by COB tomorrow.
  • Please remember to COPY the person or people who are serving as your back-ups in your out-of-office emails to me. It serves as not only an excellent last minute confirmation for you, but also a handy way for me to procure the contact info that I add to each entry. Thank you!

Out of Office Notices

Name Will be Out Need Anything, Please Contact (479-575-XXXX)
Tim Zou 5/16-5/29 Rachel Paul, 5-5518
Lynaire Hartsell 5/18-5/20 Kathleen Lehman, 5-7048
Kalli Vimr 6/2-6/15 Molly Boyd, 5-2962 / Martha Guirl-Phillips, 5-6702

Calendar of Libraries’ Events – Mark Your Personal Calendars!

Date Event
5/10/16 Final Study Break – UAPD brings K-9 Officers to Mullins at 7pm
5/16 Security Camera Install in Mullins Begins
5/19 Staff Appreciation Picnic, 11:30-1:00pm at Donald W. Reynolds Stadium
10/9-10/15 Save the Date: Homecoming 2016