Photo of Becky Menendez for 3 Weird Questions

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Angela Fritz, Lora Lennertz, and the Ozark Folksong Collection Featured in Choice
An interview with Angela Fritz, Interim Head of Special Collections, and Lora Lennertz, Director of Academic and Research Services, appears in the June 2016 Choice’s “Ask an Archivist” feature. “Ozark Folksong Collection: A Conversation with Angela Fritz and Lora Lennertz” provides background on the Ozark Folksong Collection, which won the 2016 PCA/ACA Award for Best Electronic Reference Site to give readers a picture of “the largest and most complete collection of traditional music and associated materials from Arkansas and the Ozarks in the nation.” Great Work, Angela and Lora!

Save the Date: Baheya Jaber to Present in Mullins Library
Joel Thornton, Head of Instruction & Liaison Services invites you to a special presentation delivered by Baheya Jaber.  Jaber is a summer Libraries intern completing rotations in Research and Instruction Services and Technical Services.  The presentation is scheduled for Thursday, June 9, 10am in Mullins 104, followed by open break.  We hope to see you there! Thanks, Joel!

Updates to Circulation Policies
Kathleen Lehman, User Experience Librarian, reports that the process for recalling books has been made easier to understand and the loan period for most periodicals has increased.  Previously patrons with a recalled book had a variable amount of time to return the item: patrons will now have two weeks to return a recalled book regardless of how long they have had the item checked out.  Bound periodicals, which used to have a loan period of one week, can now be checked out to students, staff, and faculty for two weeks. There’s one exception: bound periodicals in Fine Arts Library can be checked out for two weeks by graduate students and faculty but remain a one week loan for other patrons.

Give Windows 10 a Test Run, Thanks to LibraryIT
This just in from the LibraryIT desk and David Boddie: In an effort to familiarize everyone with the Windows 10 operating system, LibraryIT has upgraded one of the computers installed for evaluation in the Tech Services area. This system is running the latest version of Windows 10, along with a majority of the software used by Libraries staff. If you are interested in evaluating Windows 10 for yourself, feel free to login to this computer, using your UARK account, and run some of the programs. If software is missing, feel free to install anything you need. Explore Windows 10 and let Boddie and LibraryIT know what you think! Thanks, Boddie!

Three Weird Questions with Becky Menendez
Photo of Becky Menendez for 3 Weird QuestionsBecky Menendez is a Graduate Assistant working with Elaine Thornton, Distance Education Librarian, with designing materials, video tutorials, and guides to support distance ed students. Becky is an Illinois native who started out as a graphic artist and transitioned into teaching English as a Second Language (both in the US and abroad).  She teaches for Spring International Language Center and is currently working on another Master’s degree in Educational Technology. 1.) Name one short term goal?  “Learn HTML this summer.” 2.) What book are you currently reading? “Two at the moment: The Adult Learner by Malcolm Knowles and The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching by Thich Nhat Hanh.” 3.) If you could close your eyes and be anywhere on earth when they opened, where would you be?  “Anywhere scenic – Machu Picchu, Banff, and New Zealand come to mind.” Welcome aboard, Becky!

Shout Out (n.) Informal. A message of congratulation, support, or appreciation.
“I would like to give a shout out to Rachel Linck, Lee Flowers, Sheng Khang, and Edson Caceres who have been teaming up to vacuum and dust the reference collection over the past few weeks in preparation for collection review by the subject selectors.  Also, shout out to Dennis Stephenson, Evening Learning Commons Supervisor, for assisting in directing their work.” – submitted by Kathleen Lehman, User Experience Librarian. (This is a new, semi-regular feature for the Tuesday Times. Let your colleagues know how much you appreciate them by giving them a shout out in the next edition.)

Reminders and Such:

  • Planned Downtime for ILLIad: the upgrade is scheduled for Thursday, June 9 during a two hour window between 9-11am. Kinks to be worked out as needed afterward!
  • Coming Soon!: the Summon Implementation Team would like to obtain your feedback on the Libraries’ new discovery tool. You will have an opportunity to test drive Summon (QuickSearch) and provide feedback.  More details to follow soon!
  • Innovation Fund: Beginning July 1, resources will help fund innovative, experimental, and collaborative ideas submitted by teams within the Libraries. Program guidelines and submission forms can be accessed online.  Initial submissions should be sent to Joel Thornton.
  • MULN 102 Reservations: Lifestyles Launch Program and Razorbuy have been granted permission to use MULN 102 as a courtesy, but if you need the space, let Norma Johnson
  • Walmart Shareholders Meeting: Parking information and meeting dates for the Walmart Shareholders Meeting are available on the Transit and Parking website.
  • Upcoming RefWorks Instruction for Summer Session: Richard Sakul, our Engineering GA, will be teaching two RefWorks sessions in June. Please help direct summer students and researchers to BELL 2258 for the sessions. Visit the Libraries’ Instruction Page for more information.
  • Please remember to COPY the person or people who are serving as your back-ups in your out-of-office emails to me. It serves as not only an excellent last minute confirmation for you, but also a handy way for me to procure the contact info that I add to each entry. Thank you!

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Photo of the Week: Fulbright Commission Executive Directors Visit Special Collections

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#UARK Libraries hosted four Fulbright Commission Executive Directors last week during their visit to the University. From L-R: DeDe Long, Director of Study Abroad and International Exchange; Luis Loureiro, Brazil; Matthew Sussman, Japan; Nancy Neil, President, Fulbright Association Board of Directors; William Vocke, Taiwan; Angela Fritz, Interim Head of Special Collections; Vera Ekechukwu, Fulbright Papers Research Assistant; Geoffery Stark, Special Collections Reading Room Supervisor; Lonnie Johnson, Austria. Photo credit: Catherine Wallack, Architectural Records Archivist. (This is a new feature for the blog edition of the Tuesday Times! If you have a photo you would like to feature, please email it to your news desk. Show others in the Libraries what’s happening in your department!)

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Out of Office Notices

Name Will be Out Need Anything, Please Contact (479-575-XXXX)
Phil Jones 5/26-5/31 Gale Golden, 5-3499
Trent Garner 5/27-5/31 Library IT, 5-7990
Sara Sarquist 6/1-6/6 Martha Guirl-Phillips, 5-6702
Kalli Vimr 6/2-6/15 Molly Boyd, 5-2962 / Martha Guirl-Phillips, 5-6702
Stephanie Pierce 6/6 Lora Lennertz, 5-5545
Stephanie Pierce 6/10-6/15 Lora Lennertz, 5-5545
Kathleen Lehman 6/10-6/20 Lynaire Hartsell, 5-4103 / Lora Lennertz, 5-5545


Calendar of Libraries’ Events – Mark Your Personal Calendars!

Date Event
5/31 Ongoing: Security Camera Install in Mullins
6/3 Staff Senate Scholarship Deadline
6/6-6/30 Orientation Activities and Tours throughout Mullins
6/9 ILLIad Upgrade and Planned Downtime between 9-11am (or as needed)
6/9 Baheya Jaber to Present, 10am, MULN 104
