**News News: Molly Boyd will be creating the Tuesday Times for next Tuesday. Please send your news her way. AND there’s a new feature on 365 McIlroy’s version of Tuesday Times – Photo of the Week! Visit the blog post to see this week’s pick and submit your photos for consideration for next week!
Libraries reach Milestone in WEST Archive of Research Journals
Member libraries of the Western Regional Storage Trust (WEST) have reached a major milestone in creating a shared print library collection for the ages, successfully archiving 500,000 million volumes. The Western Regional Storage Trust (WEST) is a distributed shared print journal repository program in the western region of the United States. More than 70 research and academic libraries currently participate in WEST, including our University Libraries. Through distributed retention commitments and archive-building activities, members of WEST ensure the preservation of the scholarly record for future generations while also creating opportunities to reallocate library space for new collections and innovative user spaces. Print journal volumes are consolidated and retained at high-density library storage facilities and more than thirty-five (35) selected libraries in the region.
REMINDER: Baheya Jaber to Present in Mullins Library
Joel Thornton, Head of Instruction & Liaison Services invites you to a special presentation delivered by Baheya Jaber. Jaber is a summer Libraries intern completing rotations in Research and Instruction Services and Technical Services. The presentation is scheduled for Thursday, June 9, 10am in Mullins 104, followed by open break. We hope to see you there! Thanks, Joel!
Three Weird Questions with Katherine Williams
Katherine Williams is a User Services Technician at Mullins Library. A native of central Arkansas, she received a Bachelor of Arts in English, Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, and a Master of Liberal Arts at Arkansas Tech University. 1.) Name one short term goal? I’d like to go back to school and either work on a Masters in Communication or a Masters in Library Science. I’ve also got some writing projects I’d like to submit to an academic journal. 2.) I’m reading several books right now: American Psycho by Brett Easton Ellis, Reading the Bromance: Homosocial Relationships in Film and Television by Michael DeAngeles, The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing by M.T. Anderson, and An Abundance of Katherines by John Greene. 3.) If you could close your eyes and be anywhere on earth when they opened, where would you be? Portland, Oregon. It’s where young people go to retire.
Shout Out (n.) Informal. A message of congratulation, support, or appreciation.
“The computer growls. Devices shut down.Print jobs vanish. The monitor goes dark. . . Information Technology to the rescue! Seriously, the Information Technology team does so much to provide the systems and equipment we rely on every day for ScholarWorks. Boddie responds to our calls for help with superhuman speed—and always with a smile. Elaine guides us safely through the network labyrinth. And Trent secures our files with regular backups. Thank you!” – submitted by Melody Herr, Director, Office of Scholarly Communications. (This is a new, semi-regular feature for the Tuesday Times. Let your colleagues know how much you appreciate them by giving them a shout out in the next edition.)
Reminders and Such:
• Planned Downtime for ILLIad: the upgrade is scheduled for Thursday, June 9 during a two hour window between 9-11am. Kinks to be worked out as needed afterward!
• Innovation Fund: Beginning July 1, resources will help fund innovative, experimental, and collaborative ideas submitted by teams within the Libraries. Program guidelines and submission forms can be accessed online. Initial submissions should be sent to Joel Thornton.
• MULN 102 Reservations: Lifestyles Launch Program and Razorbuy have been granted permission to use MULN 102 as a courtesy, but if you need the space, let Norma Johnson know.
• Upcoming RefWorks Instruction for Summer Session: Richard Sakul, our Engineering GA, will be teaching two RefWorks sessions in June. Please help direct summer students and researchers to BELL 2258 for the sessions. Visit the Libraries’ Instruction Page for more information.
• Please remember to COPY the person or people who are serving as your back-ups in your out-of-office emails to me. It serves as not only an excellent last minute confirmation for you, but also a handy way for me to procure the contact info that I add to each entry. Thank you!
Out of Office Notices
Kalli Vimr 6/2-6/15 Molly Boyd, 5-2962 / Martha Guirl-Phillips, 5-6702
Stephanie Pierce 6/10-6/15 Lora Lennertz, 5-5545
Kathleen Lehman 6/10-6/20 Lynaire Hartsell, 5-4103 / Lora Lennertz, 5-5545
Patricia Kirkwood 6/24-7/10 Richard Sakul, 5-2480 / Joel Thornton, 5-3176
Calendar of Libraries’ Events – Mark Your Personal Calendars!
5/31 Ongoing: Security Camera Install in Mullins
6/14 EXTENDED: Staff Senate Scholarship Deadline
6/6-6/30 Orientation Activities and Tours throughout Mullins
6/9 ILLIad Upgrade and Planned Downtime between 9-11am (or as needed)
6/9 Baheya Jaber to Present, 10am, MULN 104
10/9-10/15 Save the Date: Homecoming 2016