News from SLA: U of A Tops Nation in Articles in Agriculture and Science Librarianship

As reported in yesterday’s Newswire, 1 in 9 articles in science librarianship published between 2011-2015 were written by librarians at the University of Arkansas. These impressive statistics were compiled by Amy Hardin and Tony Stankus and were reported at the Special Libraries Association’s annual conference in Philadelphia. The SLA awarded schools that dominated research in 10 different subject specialties–and the U of A won in two categories–science and agriculture. Read the full account at Newswire, or read Tony’s and Amy’s full article on Taylor and Francis Online. UA librarians rock!

More News from SLA

Luti Salisbury, Chair of the Chemistry Division of SLA, is overseeing 12 programs planned by the Division at this year’s annual convention in Philadelphia. She also presented a Quick Take session on “Using Metrics to Help Faculty and Researchers Showcase Their Value” as well as a poster titled “Engagement in Scholarly communication Activities among Science and Technology Librarians at the All Sciences Poster session.

ALA Journal Reviews Book Containing Chapter Co-Written by Martha Parker

The ALA’s Journal of Intellectual Freedom and Privacy reviewed Where are all the Librarians of Color? The Experiences of People of Color in Academia, edited by Rebecca Hankins and Miguel Juárez in their latest issue. Martha Parker, Digital Services Librarian, co-wrote a chapter in that book, “Establishing a Communal Network for Professional Advancement among Librarians of Color,” with other members of the 2014 ACRL’s Diversity committee. The review notes that the chapter “examines the importance of building a professional network, reviewing options for professional associations outside of ALA that focus on specific ethnicities, and advising librarians on how to make connections outside of the library as well as across institutions, acknowledging the reality that many librarians of color may be the only diverse person not only in the library, but also in the larger campus community” (para 2). Well done, Martha!

Judy Ganson Recaps CNI and GWLA Meetings

Mark your calendars: Judy Ganson will report highlights of the CNI (Coalition for Networked Information) Spring meeting and the GWLA/GPN Big Data meeting held this month in KCMO on Friday, June 17, 10 am, room 104. Any interested are welcome to attend.

Open Access Interest Group to Form–First Meeting Announced

Melody Herr is forming an Open Access Interest Group, intended to meet once a month to share ideas and organize activities to promote openness across campus. If you have an interest in open access (open scholarship, open data, open educational resources, open web), please join Melody on Thursday, 30 June, at 3 p.m. in Mullins 486. If you’re not able to attend the first meeting, but you want to become part of the group, please ask Melody to put your name on the email list.

Shout Out (n.) Informal. A message of congratulation, support, or appreciation.

This week’s shout out goes to Marco de Prosperis, Director for Administrative Services, who successfully petitioned the state to allow the Libraries to purchase a new vehicle to replace the very tired “thirteen-years-old van.” Well done, Marco! She’s a beauty. See a photo on the Mullins Library Bulletin Board Facebook page. (This is a new, semi-regular feature for the Tuesday Times. Let your colleagues know how much you appreciate them by giving them a shout out in the next edition.)

Reminders and Such:

  • Coming Soon!: the Summon Implementation Team would like to obtain your feedback on the Libraries’ new discovery tool. You will have an opportunity to test drive Summon (QuickSearch) and provide feedback.  More details to follow soon!
  • Innovation Fund: Beginning July 1, resources will help fund innovative, experimental, and collaborative ideas submitted by teams within the Libraries. Program guidelines and submission forms can be accessed online. Initial submissions should be sent to Joel Thornton.
  • MULN 102 Reservations: Lifestyles Launch Program and Razorbuy have been granted permission to use MULN 102 as a courtesy, but if you need the space, let Norma Johnson
  • Upcoming RefWorks Instruction for Summer Session: Richard Sakul, our Engineering GA, will be teaching two RefWorks sessions in June. Please help direct summer students and researchers to BELL 2258 for the sessions. Visit the Libraries’ Instruction Page for more information.
  • Please remember to COPY the person or people who are serving as your back-ups in your out-of-office emails to me. It serves as not only an excellent last minute confirmation for you, but also a handy way for me to procure the contact info that I add to each entry. Thank you!

Out of Office Notices

Name Will be Out Need Anything, Please Contact (479-575-XXXX)
Kalli Vimr 6/2-6/15 Molly Boyd, 5-2962 / Martha Guirl-Phillips, 5-6702
Stephanie Pierce 6/10-6/15 Lora Lennertz, 5-5545
Kathleen Lehman 6/10-6/20 Lynaire Hartsell, 5-4103 / Lora Lennertz, 5-5545
Necia Parker-Gibson 6/11-6/15 Patricia Kirkwood, 5-2428
Elaine Roser 6/16-6/27 Trent Garner, 7219 / David Boddie, 5-5418
Patricia Kirkwood 6/24-7/10 Richard Sakul, 5-2480 / Necia Parker-Gibson, 5-8421
Phil Jones 6/24-6/28 Gale Golden, 5-3499
Sherryl Fauklner-Robinson 7/1-7/8 Kathleen Lehman, 5-7048 / Beth Juh,l 5-4665

Calendar of Libraries’ Events – Mark Your Personal Calendars!

Date Event
6/6-6/30 Orientation Activities and Tours throughout Mullins
6/30 Open Access Interest Group Inaugural Meeting, 3 p.m., MULN 486
10/9-10/15 Save the Date: Homecoming 2016