Photo of Drew Beisswenger

Upgrade Planned for Sierra/Innovative Servers
Beth Juhl, Web Services Librarian, reports that a full operating system update to the Libraries’ catalog system is scheduled for Tuesday, 8/9 beginning at 9am. The process can take 5-6 hours to complete. During this planned downtime, our catalog, ILLiad interlibrary loan system, remote access to databases, Find it!, and Index Arkansas will all be unavailable. Consult our “Down but Not Out” LibGuide for workarounds for locating and using the Libraries’ materials when the system is unavailable. Thank you, Beth!

Youngblood Elected to SAA’s RAO Steering Committee
Joshua Youngblood, Research and Outreach Services Librarian in the University Libraries Special Collections Department, was just elected to the Steering Committee of the Research, Access and Outreach Section of the Society of American Archivists. The section explores a variety of diverse topics, including the impact of “More Product, Less Process” on reference service, National History Day and the use of archival materials in classrooms, and the effect and use of Web 2.0 technologies on the archival profession. Congratulations, Joshua!

Libraries Celebrate 70th Anniversary of the Fulbright Exchange Program
The Libraries’ Web Services and Special Collections have teamed up to help us celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Fulbright Exchange Program on Monday, 8/1. To mark the occasion they have designed a new landing page for the J. William Fulbright Papers and related collections plus highlighted some of that content on a banner on the Special Collections homepage.  The landing page boasts a fresh look and even links to related digital collections, like J. William Fulbright Speaks, a collection of fifty speeches Senator Fulbright made during his congressional career. Great work, Team!

Changes to ILL’s Staffing Model Result in Greater Efficiency
Tess Gibson, Head of Interlibrary Loan, reports that the Interlibrary Loan Department is operating under a new staffing model. Robin Roggio was recently promoted to Interlibrary Loan Coordinator and Christina Wampler was promoted to Lending Specialist. Roggio’s expanded duties include daily coordination of workflows within the three units: Borrowing, Lending, and RazorRush. Wampler accepted responsibility for billing and management of overdue notices. These changes are already resulting in increased efficiency and smoother workflows. “As always, ILL staff stands ready to assist users both on campus and in libraries around the world,” said Gibson. Thanks, Tess! 

3 Weird Questions with Drew Beisswenger
Drew Beisswenger is the University Libraries new Cataloging Librarian. He grew up mainly in Nashville, TN, and spent most of his life a day’s drive from there, but he’s lived the most number of years in Springfield, Missouri.  In addition to Photo of Drew Beisswengerlibrarianship, he says his interests have been in heritage studies, songwriting, fiddle music, working on house issues (more by necessity), and keeping up with a 14-year-old daughter!

  1. What would the title of your autobiography be?  Finishing the Jigsaw Puzzle Without Losing Too Many Pieces
  2. If you could have chosen the era in which you were born, which would you choose and why? 1940s; amazing things going on, on many fronts, especially music
  3. What’s the best live entertainment you’ve ever seen?  I still remember an amazing concert in the 1970s by a high-energy old-time group called the Plank Road String Band.  It perks me up just to think about it.

Beisswenger is hard at work cataloging non-book materials. “At the moment I’m cataloging a backlog of sound recordings and scores,” he said. “I’m looking forward to becoming more involved in university service, and diving into some research projects related to music and special collections.”  Thank you, Drew! Welcome aboard!

Shout Out (n.) Informal. A message of congratulation, support, or appreciation.
“The University of Arkansas’s institutional repository, ScholarWorks@UARK, is now one year old!  I wish to acknowledge Libraries’ faculty and staff who have contributed their work to this important service, especially Amy Allen, Mary Gilbertson, Deb Kulczak, Michelle Gibeault, Kathleen Lehman, Cedar Middleton, Luti Salisbury, Phil Jones, Tim Zou, Jozef Laincz, and Jeremy J. Smith.” – Melody Herr, Head of the Office of Scholarly Communications. (This is a semi-regular feature for the Tuesday Times. Let your colleagues know how much you appreciate them by giving them a shout out in next week’s edition.)

Reminders and Such:

  • Lookin’ HOT in Summer: A gorgeous photo of Mullins, taken by LeeAnna Thao, Graphic Designer and PR Assistant, and thoughtfully submitted by Ashley Mitchell, Serials R3 Maintenance Specialist in Tech Services, was featured on the back cover of ArLA’s Spring/Summer 2016 edition of Arkansas Libraries. Great job Ashley and LeeAnna!
  • U of A Holidays on Your Outlook Calendar: U of A’s ITS has provides simple instructions online for you to add the university’s holidays to your calendar. Thanks Elaine!
  • Several Scholarships through ACRL for ACRL 2017: Over $100,000 in scholarships in six categories is available for ACRL 2017. Applications are due 10/7/16 and more information is available online. Or, contact Elaine Thornton with any questions. Thanks, Elaine!
  • Last chance to view Whispers from Another Time: our lovely photography exhibit by U of A staff member Cathy Padgett comes down Thursday – on deck, “Let There Be Light – 100 Black Men,” a photography exhibit by Andrew Kilgore in collaboration with Compassion Fayetteville. Thank you, Martha!
  • Please remember to COPY the person or people who are serving as your back-ups in your out-of-office emails to me. It provides not only an excellent last minute confirmation for you, but is also a handy way for me to procure the contact info that I add to each entry. Thank you!

Calendar of Libraries’ Events – Mark Your Personal Calendars!

Date Event
7/21-7/28 Closure: Maple Street Bridge (Maple from Gregg to Wilson)
8/9 Sierra/Innovative Server Upgrade
8/22 Fall 2016 Classes Begin
8/23 Open Access Interest Group Meeting, 3pm, MULN 486
9/24 Deadline for ArLA Award Nominations
9/27 Open Access Interest Group Meeting, 3pm, MULN 486
10/9-10/15 Save the Date: Homecoming 2016

Out of Office Notices

Name Will be Out Need Anything, Please Contact (479-575-XXXX)
Charles Sabo 8/1-8/12  Ashley Mitchel, 5-5415 / Mandi Smith, 5-4812