The Tuesday Times—November 22, 2016

Send your news to Kelsey Lovewell Lippard by 5 p.m. on Monday, and view each week’s Tuesday Times on the Libraries’ blog 365 McIlroy.

The Libraries’ End of Semester Holiday Feast is just around the corner!

The traditional End of Semester gathering is scheduled for Thursday, December 8. Food will be served on a drop-in basis from 11 am to 2 pm. As per usual, we will provide some basic food stuffs, but everyone is encouraged to break out holiday aprons and bring a dish or two for others to sample. Some time in the near future, we will post sign-up sheets for volunteer food preparers and clean up crews, as well as tasty treats. Mark your calendars!

Ariel Romero Presents “Welcome to America” Honors Thesis
Graphic design intern Ariel Romero’s honors thesis takes a look at the lives of undocumented students at the University of Arkansas and brings awareness to the issues they face. It consists of eight broadsides that address the duality of American views on immigration, confronting some of the most common stereotypes of undocumented immigrants. In addition to this poster series, there is a companion accordion fold available at the front desk. This artifact is made up of a collection of stories from undocumented students at the U of A describing their experience in coming to America and their dreams for the future. It is currently hanging in Gearhart Hall, where it will remain until the end of Spring 2017.

REMINDER: Staff Senate RazorGifts Program Now Open for Donations

Cedar Middleton reports that the Staff Senate RazorGifts Staff Holiday Gifting Program is now open for donations. Basically, you visit the virtual gift registry, which provides link back to online retailers like Wal-Mart, Amazon, Target, and Kohl’s. Once you have made a purchase, you enter your order number in the registry, and you can either pick up the gift or have it mailed directly to the RazorGifts program on campus. Easy as one, two, three!

Shout Out (n.) Informal. A message of congratulation, support, or appreciation.

Molly Boyd gives a shout out to Kelsey Lovewell Lippard for coming back to work FOR THE SECOND DAY!!!!!!! I could weep with gratitude.

Please remember to COPY the person or people who are serving as your back-ups in your out-of-office emails to me. It provides not only an excellent last minute confirmation for you, but is also a handy way for me to procure the contact info that I add to each entry. Thank you!

Calendar of Libraries’ Events – Mark Your Personal Calendars!

Date Event
12/5 Study Break: New Student & Family Programs, Trail Mix Bar, 6:30 PM
12/6 Study Break: Office of Academic Initiatives & Integrity Scantrons & Blue Books, 9 AM
12/7 Study Break: Alpha Delta Pi/Pocket Points, Coffee & Snacks, 7 PM
12/8 End of Semester Holiday Feast, 11 AM – 2 PM
12/9 Study Break: CLASS+, Study Snacks, 3 PM
12/11 Study Break: ASG, Coffee & Cookies, 10 PM
12/12 Study Break: Libraries, Bagels, Coffee & Orange Juice, 9:30 AM
12/13 Study Break: Housing, Coffee & Cookies, 2 PM
4/4-4/5 ACRL Research Data Management Workshop


Out-of-Office Notices

Name Will be Out Need Anything, Please Contact (479-575-XXXX)
Cedar Middleton 11/21-11/23 Melody Herr (5-4233)
Trent Garner 11/21-11/23 David Boddie (5-5418)
Ila Irizarry 11/21-11/23 Martha Guirl-Phillips, 5-6702
Elaine Roser 11/16-11/25 Trent Garner (5-7219) or David Boddie (5-5418)
Deb Cheval 11/18-11/29 Brian Curtis 5-3808 (Facilities), Renee Rogers 5-5674 (Business Services) or Marco De Prosperis 5-2592 (everything else)
Patricia Kirkwood 12/5-12/9 Necia Parker Gibson, 5-8421 / Bo Ma, 5-2480