Ariel Romero photo

The Tuesday Times—November 29, 2016

Send your news to Kelsey Lovewell Lippard by 5:00 p.m. on Mondays! View each week’s Tuesday Times on the Libraries’ blog 365 McIlroy.

Ariel Romero photoAriel Romero Featured in Newswire Article
Graphic design intern Ariel Romero’s honors thesis, “Dreams on Hold: Undocumented Students,” and his life journey toward this project are featured in today’s Newswire.  Did you see it?

Save the Date: Society of American Archivists Workshop

The Libraries will host a Society of American Archivists workshop titled “Photographs: Archival Principles and Practices” on Monday, April 10, 2017, led by Marcy Flynn. This introductory course teaches the basics of managing and caring for photographs. Discover how to apply standard archival techniques to photographs in eight modules: reading and researching; identification and handling; preservation, storage, and housing; appraising and acquiring; accessioning and arrangement; description and cataloging; copying and digitization; and public service and outreach. Read more at the SAA website.

REMINDER: Staff Senate RazorGifts Program Now Open for Donations

Cedar Middleton reports that the Staff Senate RazorGifts Staff Holiday Gifting Program is now open for donations. Basically, you visit the virtual gift registry, which provides link back to online retailers like Wal-Mart, Amazon, Target, and Kohl’s. Once you have made a purchase, you enter your order number in the registry, and you can either pick up the gift or have it mailed directly to the RazorGifts program on campus. Easy as one, two, three!

Please remember to COPY the person or people who are serving as your back-ups in your out-of-office emails to me. It provides not only an excellent last minute confirmation for you, but is also a handy way for me to procure the contact info that I add to each entry. Thank you!

Calendar of Libraries’ Events – Mark Your Personal Calendars!

Date Event
12/5 Study Break: New Student & Family Programs, Trail Mix Bar, 6:30 PM
12/6 Study Break: Office of Academic Initiatives & Integrity Scantrons & Blue Books, 9 AM
12/7 Study Break: Alpha Delta Pi/Pocket Points, Coffee & Snacks, 7 PM
12/8 End of Semester Holiday Feast, 11 AM – 2 PM
12/9 Study Break: CLASS+, Study Snacks, 3 PM
12/11 Study Break: ASG, Coffee & Cookies, 10 PM
12/12 Study Break: Libraries, Bagels, Coffee & Orange Juice, 9:30 AM
12/13 Study Break: Housing, Coffee & Cookies, 2 PM
4/4-4/5 ACRL Research Data Management Workshop
4/10 SAA Workshop “Photographs: Archival Principles and Practices”

Out-of-Office Notices

Name Will be Out Need Anything, Please Contact (479-575-XXXX)
Patricia Kirkwood 12/5-12/9 Necia Parker Gibson, 5-8421 / Bo Ma, 5-2480