Tuesday Times – Feb. 14, 2017 

Nomination for National Library Worker’s Day Awards Now Open
The National Library Workers’ Day is just is around the corner! We are delighted to invite nominations of our co-workers for the 2017 University Libraries Employee Awards and cash prizes to recognize their contributions on April 11. The library award(s) consist of 5 categories: Rookie of the Year Award, Extra Mile Award, Keystone Award, Outstanding Support Service Award, and Team Project Award. You can find criteria for the awards, the nomination form and the past award recipients on StaffWeb. Nominations will be accepted through March 17. If you have any questions, please talk to any of the members of the Awards Committee: Tim Zou, Bridget Penrose, Jozef Laincz, Rose Cody, and Sherryl Faulkner-Robinson.

Supercomputing Webinar
A 90-minute webinar entitled “What’s so super about supercomputing? A very basic introduction to high performance computing” offered by the ALA’s Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) will be shown on Tuesday, Feb. 28 at 2 p.m. in Mullins 486 (Weare Conference Room). Get a jump start on your professional development and learn: why librarians should care about High Performance Computing, HPC terminology and working environment, examples of problems appropriate for HPC, HPC resources at institutions and nation-wide, and low-cost entry-level programs for learning distributed computing.

Save the Date: Preservation Week – April 23-29, 2017
Do you handle books, paper, photographs, or electronic media every day? (In other words, do you work in the library?) If so, you play an important role in preserving the Libraries’ collections! Proper care and handling of materials keeps them in usable and accessible condition now and in the long term. Learn more about the different aspects of preservation through events and resources during Preservation Week. As an initiative of ALA’s Association of Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS), Preservation Week aims to raise awareness of preservation needs by highlighting how our collections and your personal resources can be preserved, and is celebrated in various ways by institutions and communities nationwide.

NEW Events Calendar!
Be on the lookout for a calendar invitation in your email from Kelsey Lovewell Lippard. This calendar will feature all Library-wide events so that you can easily add them to your personal calendars. But never fear! The Tuesday Times calendar shall live on.

Share the Love (or like it, or follow it…)
In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, let’s show our Library social media accounts some love! Like, follow and share to your heart’s desire:
Library faculty and staff, don’t forget to share your awards, recognition, activities and community involvement with Kelsey for a social media shout-out!

If You Were A Book, I’d Check You Out
Thanks to all who participated in today’s Valentine’s Day photo, and to our wonderful photographer, LeeAnna!

Calendar of Libraries’ Events – mark your personal calendars! 

Date Event
2/16 Making Meetings Matter, 1-3 PM, UA UPT Room 115
2/21 Faculty Meeting, 2:30 PM, MULN 486
2/23 Staff Meeting, 9:30 AM, MULN 104
2/23 Speaker: Elizabeth Toombs, 2-3:30 PM, Walton Reading Room
2/23 Copyright Law for Library Faculty & Staff, 4 PM, ARKU 507
2/28 Supercomputing Webinar, 2-3:30 PM, MULN 486
3/2 Speaker: Ryan Mackey, 3-4:30 PM, Walton Reading Room
3/15 IRB Training with Ro Windwalker, 3-4 PM, MULN 104
3/27-3/31 Open Education Week
4/4-4/5 ACRL Research Data Management Workshop, WJWH 203
4/6 Speaker: Dr. Candessa Tehee
4/9-4/15 National Library Week
4/10 SAA Workshop: “Photographs: Archival Principles and Practices,” 9 AM – 5 PM
4/11 National Library Workers’ Day
5/24-5/27 SSA Regional Meeting