Tuesday Times – April 18, 2017

Congratulations, NLWD Award Recipients!
Congratulations to these five honorees on receiving this year’s National Library Workers Day awards!

Marei Houpert – Outstanding Service Support Award
Dylan Hurd – Rookie of the Year
Manuela Prudencio – Outstanding Service Support Award
Heath Robinson – Rookie of the Year
Geoffery Stark – Extra Mile Award

3rd Annual Earth Day Poetry Reading
Join English & Communication Librarian Michelle Gibeault this Saturday, April 22, for a poetry reading at 5 p.m. at Mount Sequoyah Gardens Park! This event is co-sponsored by the Fabula Bound RSO and a local poetry group, Open Mouth. (*If anyone is available to take pictures of this event, please call Kelsey at 5-7311!)

The Art of Law and Politics: The Cherokee Experience
Dean Stacy Leeds of the U of A School of Law will give a presentation Monday, April 24 from 3-4 p.m. in the Walton Reading Room. This will be the last event in our “Explore Native American Storytelling through Arts, Literature, and Culture” program. Please plan to attend if at all possible.

Coffee Break for Patricia Kirkwood
Join us next Thursday, April 27 from 10-11 a.m. in the Break Room as we bid a fond farewell to engineering and math librarian Patricia Kirkwood. Congratulations on your retirement, Patricia!

Preservation Week: Save Your Stuff and Pass It On
You’re invited to celebrate Preservation Week with the Libraries NEXT WEEK! Here’s the schedule (changes in red):

Monday | 4/24 | 2-3 p.m. | MULN 104

Lecture: Digital Preservation Basics, presented by Amy Allen, Mary Leverance, Martha Parker, and Katrina Windon

Tuesday | 4/25 | 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. | MULN 486

Webinar: “What Is Preservation?” – presented by the Northeast Document Conservation Center

Wednesday | 4/26 | 2-3:30 p.m. | MULN 104

Popcorn and a movie: In 1966, the Arno River flooded Florence, Italy, damaging and destroying millions of books, art, and other cultural materials. Italian director Franco Zeffirelli rushed to Florence and filmed in the city following the flood. His documentary, Florence: Days of Destruction, is narrated by Richard Burton, and gives a first-hand look at the disaster. While devastating, the flood prompted the fields of preservation and conservation in institutions worldwide to develop emergency response plans.

Friday | 4/28 | 1-2 p.m. | MULN 302B

Webinar: “Creating Scrapbooks that Last” – presented by the Northeast Document Conservation Center

Innovative Users Group Report
Sherryl Faulkner-Robinson, Dylan Hurd, Beth Juhl and Elaine Roser will give a conference report about the recent Innovative Users Group meeting in DC on Tuesday, May 2. Come hear about all things Sierra from 10-11 a.m. OR 3-4 p.m. in Room 102!

LexisNexis Training
You may have heard that LexisNexis Academic is getting a redesign to a new service named Nexis Uni. Lynn Smith, our LexisNexis trainer, will be here Wednesday, May 10 at 9 a.m. in Room 102 to demo the new system. All are welcome.

Calendar of Libraries’ Events – mark your personal calendars! 

Date Event
4/22 3rd Annual Earth Day Poetry Reading, 5 PM, Mount Sequoyah Gardens Park
4/23-29 Preservation Week
4/24 Digital Preservation Basics, 2 PM, MULN 104
4/24 The Art of Law and Politics: The Cherokee Experience, 3 PM, Walton Reading Room
4/25 What is Preservation? Webinar, 11:30 AM, MULN 486
4/25 Intramural Sports Spelling Bee, 6:30 PM, Pomfret Great Room
4/26 Animal Themed Group Photo, 1:30 PM, West Lobby
4/26 Florence: Days of Destruction, 2 PM, MULN 104
4/28 Library Staff/Non-Classified Staff Meeting, 10 AM, MULN 104
4/28 Creating Scrapbooks that Last Webinar, 1 PM, MULN 302B
5/2 Report on Innovative Users Group, 10-11 AM & 3-4 PM, MULN 102
5/10 LexisNexis Training, 9 AM, MULN 102
5/18 Staff Appreciation Picnic, 11:30 AM, TBA
5/24-5/27 SSA Conference

Out-of-Office Notices

Name Will be Out Need Anything, Please Contact (479-575-XXXX)
Trent Garner 4/12-4/23 Please call 5-7990 for IT support
Kathleen Lehman 4/13-4/21 Lynaire Hartsell 5-4103 or Lora Lennertz 5-5545
Debra Cheval 4/17-4/21 Brian Curtis 5-3808 (Facilities), Renee Rogers 5-5674 (Business Services) or Marco De Prosperis 5-2592 (everything else)
Mary Leverance 4/18-4/21 Diane Baker 5-5512
Melody Herr 4/18-4/23 Cedar Middleton 5-2041
Robin Roggio 4/24-4/28 Christina Wampler 5-6424 or Micah Hampton 5-5311