Tuesday Times – May 9, 2017

Employee of the Quarter
Lee Holt has been selected by the Staff Senate as the Employee of the Quarter in Category III – Technical/Paraprofessional. An award ceremony will take place Thursday, May 11 at 9:30 a.m. in the University House. Congratulations, Lee!

Senator Middleton
Institutional repository coordinator Cedar Middleton has been re-elected to the Staff Senate for a 3-year term! Way to go, Cedar!

Graphic designer Ariel Romero has been accepted to graduate school here at the U of A and has been awarded a graduate assistantship!

Most Published Science Librarian
A forthcoming article in the June issue of Science & Technology Libraries ranks authors from 46 countries in terms of the 981 articles published in the 7 most widely respected journals in these fields from 2011-2005. Tony Stankus, with 12 qualifying research papers, came in at number one. The University of Arkansas, with 23 qualifying papers, was also ranked number one in articles advancing STEM librarianship. Go Tony and Go Hogs!

GWLA Meeting
The Libraries will be hosting the annual GWLA Meeting May 16-18 in the Walton Reading Room. 57 librarians representing resource sharing and collection development will be joining us from 36 libraries ranging from Hawaii to West Virginia. There will be signs showing the way to the reading room, but if you see lost librarians wandering around, please direct them to the Walton Reading Room. Thanks!

Shout Out (n.) Informal. A message of congratulation, support, or appreciation.
Kelsey Lovewell Lippard gives a shout out to Kathleen Lehman, Sarah Spiegel, Laura Cameron, Angel Campos, Mathias Merriwether, Julia Paganis and Bo Ma for helping with a staged photo of the new research consultation area. Thanks for being such good sports!

Calendar of Libraries’ Events – mark your personal calendars! 

Date Event
5/16-5/18 GWLA Meeting
5/18 Staff Appreciation Picnic, 11:30 AM, TBA
5/24-5/27 SSA Conference
5/31 LexisNexis Training, 9 AM, MULN 102

Out-of-Office Notices

Name Will be Out Need Anything, Please Contact (479-575-XXXX)
Charles Sabo 5/8-5/19 Ashley Mitchell 5-5415 or Mandi Smith 5-4812
Jeff Banks 5/12-5/24 Kathy Riggle 5-3080 or Elsie Nguyen 5-5894 (Jeff will be checking email)