In honor of Undergraduate Research Week 2021, the winners of last year’s poster competition share words of appreciation for their research advisors and mentors.

“My research mentor, Dr. Kyle Quinn, was a fantastic resource for me as I was putting together my poster and he has been instrumental in helping me put together conference presentations and abstracts as well. I really appreciate that even as a undergraduate I can still get one-on-one time with him and that he cares about my work. Jake Jones, the graduate student I worked with, was also an incredible resource for me when I was learning the different techniques when I first joined the lab and continues to always be available to answer any questions I have. Jake defended his thesis in December so he is technically a postdoc now.” – Gianna Busch, honors biomedical engineering

“I would love to give a special thank you to my thesis mentor, Dr. Lanier Nalley. Dr. Nalley has been with me through every step of the research process – from creating the project in 2019 all the way through my thesis defense last week. He has always been so helpful and made sure I understood the why and how of everything I was doing. He was very patient with me and constantly affirmed me along the way as well. Without Dr. Nalley, I truly would have been lost from day one. I whole-heartedly believe every student would want to be in honors if they knew they had the support system of mentors like Dr. Nalley. There are many others I could thank because the Honors College has come to feel like a family to me.” – Alison Creasey, honors agricultural economics

“I would like to thank the University of Arkansas Honors College for supporting my research through a Razorgrant, the University of Arkansas Band Program and RMB directors for being supportive of my research, and most importantly my faculty mentor Dr. Margie Gilbertson for being with me every step of the way, ensuring that I had a successful and meaningful research experience.” – Emily Myers, honors communication sciences and disorders
“I would like to thank Dr. Samantha Robinson. Dr. Robinson’s eagerness to help students engage in independent research gave me the opportunity to pursue my research interest in Sociology and health determinants. I can’t thank her enough for her support.” – Andrew Palmer, honors biology and sociology and Bodenhamer Fellow
“I would like to thank my honors advisor, Dr. Ryan Dickson. He was super supportive and has been an incredible advisor.” – Joshua Tebow, honors horticulture

“I would like to thank Dr. Lissette Lopez Szwydky-Davis for her initial and continual support of my research project, as well as for her invaluable insight and guidance throughout my time at the U of A. I’d also like to thank Dr. Geffrey Davis for his belief in my project as a creative thesis and for his intentional advice and wisdom over the past few years.” – Morgan Walker, honors English creative writing