Image of Updated Library Catalog Search Page

Martha Parker Contributes to Book Recently Published by Library Juice Press
Martha Parker, Digital Services Librarian, co-wrote “Establishing a Communal Network for Professional Advancement among Librarians of Color” with other members of the 2014 ACRL’s Diversity committee. The chapter appears in Where are all the Librarians of Color? The Experiences of People of Color in Academia, edited by Rebecca Hankins and Miguel Juárez. The editors state that Parker’s chapter “examines the ways in which collaborative partnerships among librarians of color, within and even across institutions, can greatly assist in job satisfaction, retention of professionals, and bolstering librarians’ sense of support throughout their careers. The essay also provides specific examples and models in which these collaborations have occurred, including those that the authors have experienced and, in many cases, initiated.” Find additional information at Library Juice Press’s website. Congratulations, Martha!

Luti Salisbury Featured in ACS Publications’ Blog Axial
Luti Salisbury, distinguished professor and head of the Chemistry and Biochemistry Library, was recently interviewed for the American Chemical Society Publications’ blog, Axial, for a post titled “The Evolving Role of Librarians on the 21st Century Campus.”  The blog reached out to four ACS-affiliated chemistry librarians to ask, “What does it take to be a librarian in the 21st century?”  In the post, Salisbury discusses how librarians’ roles have changed, she forecasts emerging trends and the changing needs of researchers, and she makes predictions about libraries of the future. ACS’s Axial is a new blog from ACS Publications aimed at “providing ideas, insight, and advice from the scientific community.” Great interview, Luti!

Carolyn Allen Elected to SPARC Steering Committee
Carolyn Henderson Allen, dean of Libraries, has been elected to SPARC’s steering committee for a three year term beginning January 2016. SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) is a global organization working to open up scholarly communication. SPARC helps institutions and individuals pursue policies and practices that advance Open Access, Open Data, and Open Education. The University of Arkansas has been a member of SPARC since its founding in 1998. For more information, visit the University’s News page. Congrats, Carolyn!

Planning Research by Special Collections Featured in American Archivist
Special Collections is the subject of a recent article in American Archivist 78 (2) Fall/ Winter 2015. The article, titled “Planning for Archival Repositories: A Common Sense Approach,” was authored by former faculty members Timothy G. Nutt and Diane F. Worrell. The article was based on a 5-year plan written for Special Collections after discussions and input from employees, researchers, and supporters. Former Hammerschmidt Papers Archivist Felicia Thomas Williamson also has an article in the same issue, titled “Marketing Finding Aids on Social Media: What Worked and What Didn’t Work.”

Library Catalog Updated, Mobile, and Fabulous
Over the winter break, the Library Catalog was updated to work even better on mobile devices like phones and tablets.  Now, users can perform any type of search – including author, title, subject, course reserves, or ISSN – in addition to simple keyword searches.  Special search tools let users focus their searches on formats including theses and dissertations, audio, video, and e-books or e-journals. Check out Beth Juhl’s latest Database News post for more information, like handy and informative screenshots and even a paragraph about what’s not in the catalog. Great work, Web Services!

Happenings On and Around Campus
The latest Short Takes features Elizabeth Reagan – she’s 93 and still taking classes!  UA Productions’ Matt Pocta recently used mirror and kaleidoscope effects to give the usual view of campus a surreal perspective.  9 food, drink, and music festivals are coming up in Fayetteville, including the rather unfortunately named Chilirhea.  The University of Arkansas and Compassion Fayetteville are both celebrating Black History Month with events and activities throughout February – stay tuned for more details about upcoming programs.  And even though it’s still a few months out – yet never too early for thoughts of warm weather and free food – please save the date for the Staff Appreciation Picnic on 5/19/16 (thanks, Stephanie!)!

Reminders and Such:

  • Najee Dorsey’s Remixed: Something Ole, Sum Nu Roux is now on view in Mullins Library through March. Check out the online gallery for more info, and tag #najeeremixed on social media to let us know which pieces are your favorites.
  • ISIS is now UAConnect: remember to use the new name and link,, going forward, and email if you have any trouble as a user.
  • Dibs! Reserve a Room is live: Dibs! allows patrons (with a valid U of A log-in and ID) to reserve particular rooms within Mullins Library. An updated web page breaks it all down and links them to Dibs! through the UARK Central Login. Instructions are available at our FAQ page.

Out of Office Notices

Name Will be Out Need Anything, Please Contact (479-575-XXXX)
Kathleen Lehman 2/6-2/13 Lora Lennertz, 5-5545 / Lynaire Hartsell, 5-4103
Patricia Kirkwood From 1/29 Richard Sakul, 5-2480 / Lora Lennertz, 5-5545

Calendar of Libraries’ Events – Mark Your Personal Calendars!

Date Event
2/1 Libraries’ faculty profiles due in Campus Web Data
2/2 Groundhog Day!
3/1 ALA’s diversity research grant applications due
5/19 Staff Appreciation Picnic, 11:30-1:00pm at Donald W. Reynolds Stadium